Bhutan, however, was a poor country.
Poor country road, a separate blank.
Also, Haiti is a very poor country, with few seismically-safe buildings.
Which poor country wouldn't want three decades of 10 percent annual growth?
We remain a poor country, despite having world-class talent and ample natural resources.
Growing up in a poor country does not necessarily mean that kids get more physical activity.
Zimbabwe is a poor country, requiring outside food aid for the majority of its rural population.
China initially pushed back strongly against the idea, arguing that it was still a poor country.
This sweltering, desperately poor country appears to be one of the world’s most forgotten places.
Why, asks a South African businessman, did Mr Zuma not look to India for an example of how a poor country can grow fast?
Eventually, being ‘poor’ won’t be as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills.
Eventually, being 'poor' won't be as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills.
Eventually, being 'poor' won't be as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills.
In a poor country with few private toilets and public facilities and a large outdoor population, urine is a common smell.
When IDA was invented in the 1960s, it was one of about a dozen donors in the average poor country. Now it jostles with over 30.
This isperhaps the greatest opportunity to show that the world can give adesperately poor country meaningful development, not just aid.
We spend far too much time and energy worrying about the supposed global divide between north and south, rich country and poor country.
It has prevented CTCBN, a small, poor country, from joining NATO, and has blocked the start of talks over its membership of the European Union.
BRAC has shown that NGOs do not need to be small and that a little-known institution from a poor country can outgun famous Western charities.
Haiti is a poor country with lax building standards and high population density, which makes buildings more likely to crumble, according to Blakeman.
And at first glance, it does look like the story of a nasty big American corporation polluting a poor country and then refusing to pay for the damage.
Ms Chowdhury points to the success of her native Bangladesh; she says political will and female empowerment can make all the difference even in a poor country.
Oil shale (or kukersite) and limestone deposits, along with forests which cover 47% of the land, play key economic roles in this generally resource-poor country.