Applying RNase Protection assay, the point mutation in the RB gene was observed.
Afterwards, the preparation digested by RNase was equally mixed with Freund's adjuvant and immunized rabbits.
Objective: to explore the role and mechanism of suppression of ribonuclease RNase inhibitor in the growth of glioma cells.
There is 35% homology between the amino acid residue of the Ang and RNase and their similar spatial structure can both combine with RI as ligand.
血管 生成 因子的氨基酸残基组成与核糖核酸酶具有35%的同源性,它们有着极其相似的空间结构都可以作为配体与RI结合。
It was reported that inhibition of polysaccharides including heparin lmw heparin bcg polysaccharide hyaluronic acid and astraglus polysaccharide on rnase.
The targeting therapy on the xenograft in nude mice indicated that the efficiency of the hdsFv-RC-RNase was 100%(P<0.01). The tumor inhibition rate reached 79.38%.