Handle iteration manually, by defining your own implementation of Iterable.
But, just like Iterable, the Enum class is not present in the JDK 1.4 class library.
但是,同iterable一样,在JD K 1.4类库中也没有enum类。
And, just like Iterable and Enum, the valueOf methods are not present in the JDK 1.4 class library.
而且,就像Iterable和Enum一样,value Of方法在JD K 1.4类库中也不存在。
Trying to get an Iterator on a Map fails at compile time — Maps don't implement the Iterable interface.
在编译时,尝试对 Map 获取 Iterator 会导致失败 — Map 并没有实现 Iterable 接口。
Extend an existing collection class that already implements Iterable (and therefore already supports for/in).
扩展现有的、已经实现了 Iterable(因此也就已经支持 for/in)的集合类。
Actually, this enhancement works with any object that implements the Iterable interface, not just Collections.
The reduce method is passed an Iterable whose type will be the type of the (key, value) pairs that are input to it.
对reduce方法传递一个iterable值,它的类型将是输入它的(key, value)对的类型。
The enhanced for loop (also sometimes known as "for-each" loop) can be used for collections that implement the Iterable interface and for arrays.
改进for循环(有时被称为“for - each”循环)能够用于实现了iterable接口的集合类及数组中。
As you can see, though, it takes a lot more to implement the Iterable interface manually than simply extending a class that does this work for you.
For cases where the child collection is obvious and apparent, however, Iterable makes programming against the domain type much easier and more obvious.
The csv.writer method produces a CSV file from an iterable object; cursor.fetchall() is a bit of a beast, and four lines are enough to produce the CSV output.
writer 方法从一个可迭代的对象生成一个 CSV 文件;cursor.fetchall() 功能强大,4 个代码行就足以生成 CSV 输出。
Anything that provides an Iterable facility (technically a trait in Scala, but think of it for now as an interface) can be used as the heart of the for expression.
Using Iterable has some obvious drawbacks when domain modeling, because only one such collection of objects can be so "implicitly" supported via the iterator method.