1 词典释义:
open cluster
时间: 2025-03-23 22:25:23
英 [ˈəʊp(ə)n ˈklʌstə]
美 [ˈoʊpən ˈkləstər]

n. 疏散星团;开放星团;散开星团;疏星团

  • Comparing with the open cluster their stars are older.


  • Most of the V is formed by an open cluster of stars, called the Hyades.


  • This open cluster is particularly ancient, estimated to be nearly one billion years old.


  • NGC 2818 is one of very few planetary nebulae in our galaxy located within an open cluster.


  • It is called an open cluster because its stars are loosely bound and have started to spread out.


  • The star is part of the open cluster of stars labelled NGC 2264 and known as the Snowflake cluster.


  • Hence, it is rare that an open cluster survives long enough for one of its members to form a planetary nebula.


  • Through this window, a brightly-lit workshop appears where a whole open cluster of stars is being formed.


  • The stars will win in the end, destroying their pillars of creation over the next 100, 000 years, and resulting in a new open cluster of stars.


  • Many open source solutions broadcast a backup copy of the session to every other node in the cluster each time it changes.


  • One other aspect of the laziest cluster admins is that they are quite passionate about open source and use it in their own personal pursuits.


  • Can you find, in the above image, a comet, a spiral galaxy, an open star cluster, and a supernova remnant?


  • The immense open space of the Mall is marked off by the various museums of the Smithsonian Institution, the largest cluster of museums in the world.


  • Scheduler (Open PBS and Maui) installation for automatic management of multiple users submitting jobs to the cluster.

    安装调度器(Open PBS和Maui),用于多个用户将作业提交到集群上的自动管理。

  • The most successful Linux cluster admins that we have worked with have a vast knowledge of current open source projects.

    我们认识的最成功的 Linux 集群管理员都非常了解当前的开放源码项目。

  • Open source cluster application resources


  • The Cluster Manager then selects the least-busy server and returns the server name to the client, which can open the database on that server.

    然后,Cluster Manager选择最不繁忙的服务器并将其名称返回给客户机,这样客户机就可以打开该服务器上的数据库。

  • The resources section also provides a list of the open source packages that can be used for the various cluster stack layer (such as messaging, management, resources).


  • The Pleiades is an open star cluster, which means that while its stars are bound loosely together right now, each star will eventually go its own way within a few hundred million years.


  • Microwulf is considered a Beowulf cluster, a group of networked computers that run open source software and work in parallel to solve a single problem.


  • Infinispan, which is a successor to JBoss Cache caching framework, is an open source data grid platform that makes use of distributing state across nodes in a cluster.

    Infinispan是JBoss Cache缓存框架的后续项目,它是一个开源的数据网格平台,用于访问分布式状态的群集节点。

  • If HAMMER encounters a cluster which is unexpectedly marked open it will perform a recovery operation on the cluster and throw away any records beyond the synchronization point.


  • The latest version of Terracotta, an open source JVM clustering framework, includes new features like cluster visualization tools and official support for Tomcat 6 platform.

    开源的JVM集群框架 Terracotta的最新版包含了一些新特性,如集群可视化工具和对 Tomcat 6平台的官方支持。

  • Linux-HA is an umbrella project over a set of HA open source building blocks for the development of HA cluster systems.

    Linux - HA是一个基于ha群集系统开发的一组ha开源构造块的项目。

  • A cluster of processors running an open source implementation of Google's published computing infrastructure (MapReduce and GFS from Apache's Hadoop project).

    一个处理器集群,运行的是Google的计算设施的一个开源实现(来自Apache Hadoop项目的MapReduce和GFS)。

  • Ganeti is a cluster virtual server management software tool built on top of existing virtualization technologies such as Xen or KVM and other Open Source software.


  • Consequently, open out the generic rule of credit advantage of enterprise cluster. It will provide theory gist to effectively foster and utilize credit advantage of enterprise cluster.


  • An open star cluster in the constellation Taurus, consisting of several hundred stars, of which six are visible to the naked eye.

