This is the inout style of parameter passing.
Returning multiple values with InOut parameters.
Parameter names, types and modes (in, out or inout).
Support for INOUT and OUT parameters of stored procedures.
Also, stored procedures support IN, OUT, and INOUT parameters.
Similarly, the INOUT parameter can be created using the keyword INOUT.
类似地,可以使用关键字 INOUT 创建 INOUT 参数。
This method has two InOut values as parameters, and it returns an integer.
We have even shown you how to return multiple values using InOut parameters.
The Unified ODBC API does not offer support for INOUT and OUT parameters of stored procedures.
统一odbc API不提供对存储过程INOUT和OUT参数的支持。
Holder classes are used to support the OUT and INOUT parameters in mapped method signatures.
Support for out and inout parameter passing modes requires the use of additional holder classes.
As shown Table 1, a new Holder class is defined in order to support out and inout parameters.
They can also be changed by being the argument of an out or inout parameter in a call statement
也可以作为调用语句的 out 或 input 参数的实参进行修改。
INOUT parameters in procedure calls can be handled using single variable that will behave as both in and OUT.
The service client USES the Holder class instance to send the values of either the out or the inout parameter.
When the client invokes an interface operation, it must send the operation data (in and inout parameters) to the server.
客户机调用接口操作时,它必须将操作数据(in 和 inout 参数)发送到服务器。
It is easy to create SQL stored procedures, so for each stored procedure with INOUT and OUT parameters, you can create a wrapper stored procedure.
The wrapper stored procedure simply calls the existing stored procedure and returns the OUT and INOUT parameters from the wrapped stored procedure as a result set in the wrapper stored procedure.