Memorize a poem and pass it on.
You don't have to do this for Wednesday but let's say for next Monday, and that is: I'd like you to memorize a short poem by Yeats or by Frost, either one.
When I am trying to memorize a poem, for example, I read it through a few times and them make myself try to repeat as much of it as possible from memory.
举个例子,我要是打算记住一首诗歌,我会先通篇读几遍,然后尽可能地试着回忆起诗歌内容。 学习理论中称之为“检索”。
"I would get totally stressed out if I had to memorize a poem, or if I had to memorize a monologue for drama class, I would completely freak out, " Price said.
You can memorize the poem easily if you read it aloud.
In school we had to memorize rudyard Kipling's poem if.
Memorize a short poem (at least 14 lines long) by Lecture 9. Prove somehow that you know it; you choose the poem and the mode of proof.
Could you memorize this little poem and share it with someone this week?
If you memorize a poem, you can say it without looking at a book.