Rename operations no longer spuriously try to create links.
The date may be spuriously precise, but the danger is there.
The developers solve (or spuriously solve) their bugs and give back the new source to me .
In addition, the combat log tooltip for this Rejuvenation effect no longer spuriously claims it requires Tree of Life Form.
Some spuriously exact statistic, such as 65, 000 or 31% or 0.1, is dressed up with mights, coulds and other pseudo-qualifications.
This is a common misconception, and indeed a misnomer: spuriously commented code is documented, but by a developer, not by the code itself.
He argues that more prosecutions could spark civil war or, slightly less spuriously, that they might undermine hard-won efforts at reconciliation.
Even when things were rosy, such spuriously accurate figures were of less use than a description of how the main factors affecting a business could change.
A particular application, of course, has the ability to ignore some of the ordering information but the information model of XML always asserts a significance to order, often spuriously.