She was concussed after the fall.
《牛津词典》My left arm is badly bruised and I was slightly concussed.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Ming is concussed and goes to hospital.
CONCLUSION: It is necessary to observe the concussed mature anterior permanent teeth for 3 months.
In January, Sidney Crosby, one of the sport's best players, was concussed in consecutive games after suffering a number of hits to the head.
今年1月,身为最佳冰球运动员之一的西德尼·克罗斯比(Sidney Crosby)连续参加比赛,头部多次受到撞击,造成了脑震荡。
Lie perhaps to see "Red Chamber Dream" in just coming out the lawn of the small bud, concussed spirit back bowel of the love will let you infatuate with for a long time.