近12年出现 1 次
n 未来学家
n. 未来学家
futuristicadj. 未来派的;极其现代的;具有未来主义特点的;预示未来的;展望未来的
futuristn. 未来主义者;未来学家;未来派艺术家;预测未来者;预言家
This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature.
My Futurist experiment in cooking has worked.
I've always thought you to be an intuitive futurist.
With regard to Futurist poetry, however, the case is rather difficult.
So will futurist adventures that evoke the splendor of the movie past.
Whatever futurist poetry may be, it can hardly be classed as literature.
无论未来主义诗歌是什么, 它都几乎不能归入文学范畴。
This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression.
Batting third was Robert Scoble, a "futurist" at a cloud computing company called Rackspace.
第三个人是“未来学家”罗伯特·斯科伯(Robert Scoble),他在云计算公司Rackspace工作。
Superb graphics and impeccable technical production will get you hooked on this futurist racing game.
Mr Kurzweil's journey as a futurist began when he became intrigued by rapid advances in computing capacity.
Resnick says that he's "no futurist," and acknowledges that significant setbacks could always delay progress.
It's funny, though I always pride myself on being a futurist — constantly thinking a leap ahead of everyone else.
The approach I find that works best is to avoid the generalist publications and futurist pundits who talk about big trends.
There's a bizarre futurist sculpture of him flying through a symbolic ring in front of the so-called Cosmonaut's House.
Human civilization will come to an end by 2045, US inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil says in a Time magazine interview.
Science fiction is where the future happens first, and that puts futurist Syd Mead at least two steps ahead of the rest of us.
Before the forum started, Jacque Fresco, 93, the futurist, talked with young admirers in the audience about his Venus Project.
在论坛开始之前, 93岁的未来学家Jacque Fresco与年轻的拥护者就威尼斯计划交谈。
Paul Saffo, the futurist, says he could divide the technology world into two kinds of people: engineers and natural scientists.
Paul Saffon,未来学家,说他可以把技术世界分成两类人:工程师和自然科学家。
The inventor, philosopher, and futurist was the fifth generation of his family to enroll at Harvard and the first not to graduate.
With The Manifesto of Futurist Cooking, he set out to abolish what he saw as Italy's fattening and mind-dulling addiction to pasta.
Under this situation, American futurist Alvin Toffler has put forward the concept of Mass Customization in his book "Future Shock".
这种情况下,美国未来学家Alvin Toffler在《未来的冲击》一书中提出了大规模定制的概念。
Regarded as the world's leading futurist, Naisbitt shed light on his upcoming book Megatrends China during a recent visit to Beijing.
Ray Kurzweil, a respected computer scientist, serial inventor and futurist, predicted that some 55m robots would be in circulation by 2010.
FrescoJoseph didn't know it, but his ideas were directly in line with those of renowned 95-year-old futurist Jacque Fresco and his organization The Venus Project.
A well-respected Futurist, stated in 2008 that when this molecular computing technology comes out in 2020, computers will have the intellectual capability of human beings.
My favorite question is around that pace of change and really being a futurist and asking people questions about what they see their business evolving to in the future.
近12年出现 1 次
n 未来学家
n. 未来学家
futuristicadj. 未来派的;极其现代的;具有未来主义特点的;预示未来的;展望未来的
futuristn. 未来主义者;未来学家;未来派艺术家;预测未来者;预言家