You can use this software to burn custom compilations of your favourite tunes.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》The Beatles' Red and Blue compilations are issued on CD for the first time next month.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》IT first shows JIT compilations.
Multiple image compilations can be queued.
Avoiding unnecessarily lengthy compilations.
Introductory biology texts tend to be compilations of conclusions.
Graph showing JIT compilations, class loader information, and garbage collection.
Xjit: verbose: Use this command to report any AOT compilations performed by the jit.
These software compilations which are based on the Linux OS are called Linux distributions.
First, the large number of initial compilations can directly impact application start-up time.
The compilations from the old poets by Sarada Mitter and Akshay Sarkar were also of great interest to me.
On a low-memory (<512MB RAM) system, too many simultaneous compilations can slow the system due to paging.
在低内存(<512MB RAM)系统上,同时编译的数量太多会因为分页而使系统变慢。
You can see the JIT compilations and class-loading events that also corresponded to the application running.
Most writings on the subject are little more than unscientific compilations of traditional or folkloric material.
In practice, however, the compilations are used for the sake of convenience, even where they have not been enacted.
Sony filled the gap with greatest hits compilations and special editions of his classic albums such as Off the Wall.
Sony通过对他以往经典作品(比如Off the Wall专辑)出精选集和特别版的方式做出了一些弥补。
You can have your compilations into folders, and you just need to select those folders to play the desired compilations.
The argument to -j — 10 — is the maximum number of simultaneous compilations that can ensue once the build process starts.
A compiled version of the PHP script is stored in the server's persistent cache registry, avoiding redundant compilations.
The first compilation — the one that creates the precompiled header file — takes a bit longer than subsequent compilations.
The aeronavigation information office provides the pilot with a briefcase with documents, compilations and other important stuff.
Somewhat less than half of the titles of the United States Code as well as the compilations of some of the states have been enacted.
So LP2 is good for serious listening while LP4 is better for interview etc. and for making long compilations for background playing.
These scholarly compilations of local history noted the ancient temples, pagodas, and other monuments in which each district took pride.
Note that AOT compilations are performed at a cold optimization level, which reflects the overall AOT goal to accelerate application startup.
注意,AOT 编译以 cold 优化级别执行,这反映 AOT 的总体目标是加快应用程序的启动。
Its stores sell carefully selected (no hip-hop, but plenty of world music and jazz) CD-compilations, such as Ray Charles's "Genius Loves Company".
他的公司出售经过仔细挑选的CD(没有HIp hop,很多来自全球的音乐和爵士乐),例如RAY charles的Genius Loves Company。
If modules are installed at the system level (as opposed to being on-the-fly compilations) then you can distribute them as precompiled binaries.
如果模块是被安装在系统级(对应的是on - the - fly式的编译),您就可以将它们作为以预编译过的二进制代码发布出去。
Compilations generally omit repealed and temporary ACTS, combine and edit the remaining laws as necessary, and arrange them in classified order.
These are two compilations which we have done on Creative Nerds, which are useful tutorial websites where you can learn Photoshop and illustrator.
我们在Creative Nerds上做了两个汇编,它们都是有用的教程网站,从中你可以学习Photoshop和illustrator。
But a new study of current data and analysis by Berkeley Earth Surface temperature offers strong support to the existing temperature compilations.
但是最近由Berkeley地表温度(Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature)用一些现有数据以及研究方法得出的新研究报告却强有力地支持了这些气温数据。
compilation method
data compilation
map compilation