1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-09 23:53:44


  • If MAP_FIXED is specified, addr must be a multiple of the pagesize.

    如果声明了MAP_ FIXED,地址必须是页面大小的倍数。

  • In this example, we specify an input parameter named addr of type Address_t.


  • Run lsdev –C | grep $ADDR, substituting the address field to view the child devices.

    运行 lsdev –C | grep $ADDR,取代地址字段查看子设备。

  • The new element "POBox" does not appear in the updated document because its parent element "addr" is deleted.


  • The simplest is purify_watch (addr), which sets a read-write watch point on four bytes starting at the given address.

    最简单的是purify_watch (addr),它在特定地址的四个字节上设置了一个读取-写入观察点。

  • The Exception DSISR/ISISR,srval,virt addr will contain the same information as that shown in the exception structure.

    Exception DSISR/ISISR,srval,virt addr 包含异常结构中显示的信息。

  • Simulates reading size bytes starting at address addr, generates any purify errors that read would cause, and calls purify_stop_here upon error.


  • Simulates writing size bytes starting at address addr, generates any Purify errors that write would cause, and calls purify_stop_here upon error.

    模拟写入开始于 addr 的 size 字节,产生写入将会导致的任何 Purify 错误,根据错误调用 purify_stop_here。

  • Prints the memory state of size bytes starting at memory address (addr), as explained previously in the Application programming interface section.

    打印开始于内存地址 (addr) 的字节 Size的内存状态,正如先前在 应用程序编程接口部分所解释的那样。

  • The info column has the addr element with the following definition. (You can find the complete schema under the sqllib/samples/db2sampl directory).

    info 列包含 addr 元素,该元素具有以下定义(在 sqllib/samples/db2sampl 目录下可以找到完整的模式)。

  • This requires DB2 to navigate down into the "addr" subtree of the document to look for phone elements at any level of the document. This is avoidable overhead.

    这需要DB 2向下导航到文档的“ addr ”子树中,在文档的任何级别上查找phone元素,而这本是可以避免的开销。

  • For example, element (ship-addr, loc: USPostalAddress) will select nodes named ship-addr whose type is a valid loc: USPostalAddress, either directly or by derivation.

    比如,element (ship - addr, loc: USPostalAddress)将选择名称为ship - addr、类型为有效loc: USPostalAddress(无论是直接类型还是派生自父元素)的节点。

  • Prints specific details about the memory at location addr, including its location (stack, heap, text) and, if it is heap memory, then the call chains of its allocation and free history.

    打印关于 addr 单元内存的特殊细节,包括它的储存单元(堆叠,累计,文本)以及,如果它累计了大量内存,还有它的分配调用链和释放历史。

  • To update the already registered schema so that the identifiers remain the same, you need to first register the new schema with an additional element. The definition of the new addr element is.
