To map the weblogic-ql element to the ejb-ql element.
要将weblogic - ql元素映射到ejb - ql元素,请执行以下操作。
The phase transfer catalyst Ql can be repeatedly used.
JPA has a very rich query language you can use, called EJB-QL.
JPA有非常丰富的查询语言可供您使用,即ejb - QL。
SQL or EJB-QL that is needed to implement custom finder methods.
SQL或者EJB - QL,用来实现定制查找程序方法。
EJB QL is a very rich syntax and should meet most of your querying needs.
EJB QL是一种非常丰富的语法,能够满足很多你需要的查询。
The Max WebLogic QL extension returns the maximum value of the specified field.
MAX WebLogic QL扩展返回指定字段的最大值。
That is, WebSphere extends the syntax of EJB-QL to include these extensions.
也就是说,WebSphere 扩展 EJB-QL 语法来包括这些扩展。
The amount of work to change the JPA-QL in the XML file was still significant.
在XML文件中更改jpa - QL的工作量仍很大。
The QL House project was an exercise in balancing spaces and landscape integration.
Social factors, medical factors and self perceived health significantly affected QL.
This time it's an entity EJB that uses CMP2 and EJB-QL to access relational database data.
这次,这个 EJB 是一个实体 EJB,它使用 CMP2 和 EJB-QL 访问关系数据库。
We are also working on query support which will start with a subset of JP-QL and grow over time.
我们还开发了查询支持,它以JP - QL的子集开始,随着时间的推移还会不断增加新的内容。
The next sections show the mapping of query statements from weblogic-ql element to ejb-ql element.
下一部分将介绍 weblogic-ql 元素到 ejb-ql 元素的查询语句映射。
Results The QL INDEX and ADL of the patient group were worse than those of the two control groups.
Therefore, you can use EJB-QL plus its extensions in the standard ejb-ql element in the ejb-jar.xml file.
因此,您可以在 ejb-jar.xml 文件的标准 ejb-ql 元素中使用 EJB-QL 及其扩展。
In this paper, the applications of the QR decomposition theorem and the QL decomposition theorem are also pointed out.
One interesting example is called Hive, which is a data warehouse infrastructure with its own query language (called Hive QL).
一个有趣的示例称为Hive,它是一个具有自己特定查询语言(称为Hive QL)的数据仓库基础结构。
This paper realized the semantic analysis of the simple QL. Parts of algorithm which this paper designed is in general use.
The weblogic-ql element specifies a query that contains a WebLogic-specific extension to the EJB 2.0 query Language (EJB-QL).
weblogic - ql元素向EJB 2.0 Query Language (EJB - ql)指定一个包含特定于weblogic的扩展的查询。
Older versions of WebLogic Server used the proprietary WebLogic Query Language (WL-QL) to specify finder queries for CMP entity beans.
老版本的 WebLogic Server 使用专有的 WebLogic Query Language(WL-QL)来为 CMP 实体 bean 指定 finder 查询。
The query language is based on the syntax of the object-oriented EJB QL that has been adapted to the object types found in the repository.
该查询语言基于面向对象的EJB QL的语法,此语法经过了改编以适应存储库中找到的对象类型。
The orderby WebLogic QL extension is a keyword that works with the Finder method to specify the order of the results returned from your selections.
orderby WebLogic QL扩展是一个关键字,它与Finder方法一起使用来指定从选择中返回结果的顺序。
AIM: To explore the impact of anxiety and depression (AD) on quality of life (QL) and cellular immunity in patients with digestive tract cancers.
The paper introduces a new method-QL system suggested for the first time by the author for measuring dynamic accuracy of gear cutting machine drivetrain.
IN elderly patients with psychosomatic diseases, the correlation analysis of QL INDEX and ADL showed that QL INDEX were positively related to "take a bath".
Standard EJB-QL language features are used in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor, and weblogic EJB-QL extensions are used in the weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml.
ejb - jar . xml部署描述符中使用标准的ejb - QL语言特性,而在weblogic - cmp - rdbms - jar . xml中使用weblogic ejb - QL扩展。
Upgrading EJB entity beans to EJB 2.x will require that existing finder queries be manually converted into EJB-QL; the changed code may require some manual cleanup.
把EJB实体bean升级到EJB 2.0需要将现有的finder查询手工转换成ejb - QL。被修改过的代码可能也需要一些手工清理。
Objective to master the differences of quality of life between the elderly in the urban and rural areas, and to provide the evidence for improving the QL of the elderly.
This nuclear garden structures the direct interaction between the entire indoors and the outdoors, gifting all spaces of the QL House with the luxury of natural lighting.
White concrete walls formalize the spaces in the QL House, in a chromatic mimicry of the buildings in this region of Portugal – designed with a particularly hot climate in mind.
白色混凝土墙正式化了QL之家的空间,在葡萄牙这个地区的建筑物的彩色模仿 - 设计有一个特别热的气候。