About 15km (9 miles) across the city the largest American embassy in Africa is going up, which will supposedly house the biggest CIA listening post outside America.
Its 800 million active users will soon be able to post what songs they are currently listening to while friends will be able to listen instantly via partnering music services.
The software also lets listeners post details about tracks they are listening to on to Facebook and Twitter.
The research data come from their scores in the pre - and post-training tests of reading and listening comprehension.
Earlier, in a post about active listening, I mentioned how it can help to transcribe and summarize parts of a listening assignment.
Narrative research, with its open process and conclusion, is a research method of the spirit of post-modernism, facing up to the world of daily life and laying its emphasis on listening up and...
So post-graduate candidates are practicing more and more . By 2003 the score on the listening test will be 20 per cent of the total mark of foreign language in preliminary exam.
因此,许多准备考研的同学加强了听说方面的练习。 2003年听力测试分数将占外语初试总分的20%。