1 词典释义:
set off/out
时间: 2024-11-27 15:52:40


  • They set off, two men out in front as scouts, two behind in case of any attack from the rear.


  • Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.


  • From there I set off, heading south, along the border stones and white stakes that marked out the western side of the border with East Germany. I had my camera with me.


  • They set off again - and promptly ran out of fuel.


  • I set it aside, went out for the night, came back the next morning, and cut off a thin slice.


  • Toward evening I would return to a more formal section of the park, set out as a garden, just off the main road.


  • Some fear that speaking out about the need for expenses-related sackings could set off a wave of retribution that could eventually engulf them too.


  • They set out to discover whether female competition accounted for these impressive armaments, and whether there was a trade-off between horns and fecundity.


  • In the end, I send them out with a long shopping list, set the timer on my phone to go off in ten minutes and drag Colin upstairs.


  • With our house rented and two one-way tickets to Japan in hand, we set off for what turned out to be a two-year adventure, as our money went much further than we had expected.


  • Real learning apps have a set of criteria that qualifies them as educational, so rather than writing them all off as a waste of time, parents can figure out what their kids are exposed to.

    真正的学习应用程序拥有一套评判标准来确定它们是为了教育的目的。 所以父母们与其写说所有的这些应用程序、游戏都是浪费时间,不如真正有心想想他们的孩子想要探索什么。

  • The experiment set off a small industry of follow-up studies carried out in labs all around the world.


  • After that, he helps out at the barbecue in the park, and then he prepares to set off the town's fireworks.


  • You can set the timer to turn the audio off after whatever amount of time suits you, and you can make it fade out quietly.


  • Nearly a decade ago, he sold his flat, sent his family to live with relatives in the countryside, and set out to pay off his debts.


  • Clever people, abetted by the rating agencies, set out to pass off poor credit as AAA, because they stood to make a lot of money.


  • If Love is cooking you dinner tonight and you need out the door at 6pm, set an alert to go off at 5pm, 5:30, 5:45 and 5:55 (more, if necessary) saying "Hey!"


  • No one was happy about bailing out big financial institutions, after all, but the news that a group of A.I.G. employees were going to get bonuses really set people off.


  • New regulations are set to roll out in the coming months that threaten to kill off a large chunk of their profits -- most notably, the controversial Volcker Rule.

    未来几个月将出台的新法规很可能会砍掉它们大块的利润——特别是争议不断的沃尔克法则(Volcker Rule)。

  • The best option turned out to be re-running the benchmark on my machine with one of the cores in the Core 2 Duo turned off, set in the BIOS.

    最好的选择是,在BIOS中关闭Core 2 Duo中的一个核,然后重新运行基准测试。

  • Get up, I saw the sun would come out early, I immediately ran to toilet, eating a few dumplings, the family set off to grandma.


  • Shake off the extra batter and deep-dry the chicken for 2 minutes. Scoop out and set aside.


  • The fire broke out after the 44-storey building was showered with the sparks from fireworks set off during China's biggest holiday.


  • She hit it off with Edward and soon the two of them set out on a cross-country adventure.


  • Beijing has used license plate restrictions to limit the number of cars and set out plans to keep the oldest and most polluting vehicles off roads when air is especially bad.


  • Her body has set off car alarms, interrupted the TV signal and blown out light bulbs.

