A MIDI switcher allows switching between multiple devices, and eliminates the need to physically repatch cables.
MIDI 切换器允许在多个设备之间进行切换,并且不需要物理地更换电缆。
MIDI contains three types of commands.
Now, listen to the resulting MIDI file.
Short commands are used to directly control MIDI devices.
The MIDI output and input applications both look very similar.
JMusic has many other nice features in addition to MIDI functionality.
The example application USES a set of classes to represent published MIDI messages.
In the example illustrated above, a partial topic space for MIDI commands is shown.
A MIDI command consists usually of 2 or 3 bytes and encodes a particular action.
A string is generated to be output to the GUI; the MIDI event is then published.
Selecting a MIDI file enables the Play button which is used to start the sequence.
The final wildcard character means all topics that start with Midi/Short/ are subscribed to.
最后的通配符表明所有以 Midi/Short/ 开始的主题都是需要订阅的。
The MIDI input application displays the messages it publishes from the attached controller.
The selection box identifies the MIDI input or output devices available to the application.
Finally, three example programs are described, a MIDI file player, a MIDI input, and MIDI output.
I'll use code examples from Monk and short MIDI file examples created by Monk to illustrate my points.
When the application has been attached, it will publish the MIDI messages received from the controller.
连接到应用程序后,它会发布从控制器接收到的 MIDI 消息。
The MIDI output application displays the messages it receives and sends to the selected MIDI device.
A MIDI file to play can be selected using the select button which displays a file selection dialog box.
A limitation of the current version of Monk is that it only USES conventional Western pitches, the 128 MIDI tones.
当前版本Monk的一个限制是它只使用常规西方音高:128 midi音调。
The MIDI messages are short, therefore additional overhead in terms of message size or API complexity isn't desirable.
MIDI 消息很短,因而根据消息大小和 API 复杂度,附加消息头不合适。
Each MIDI device has three connectors; MIDI in, MIDI Out and MIDI Thru that allow devices to be daisy-chained together.
每个MIDI设备有三个连接器:MIDI In、MIDI Out和MIDI Thru,它们能将设备呈菊花链状连接起来。
The Subscribe button on the MIDI output application registers a subscription for all MIDI short messages with the broker.
MIDI 输出应用程序上的 Subscribe 按钮使用代理为所有 MIDI 短消息注册了订阅。
This group works on enhancements and documentation for the MMA's XML Specification of MIDI events, names, and device features.
该小组负责为MMA的 XML标准的MIDI时间,名称和设备特征制作文件。
Musical Instrument Digital interface, or MIDI, is a communication interface provided on virtually every synthesizer made today.
On the MIDI input application, the Attach and Detach buttons connect and disconnect the application from the selected MIDI device.
在 MIDI 输入应用程序中,Attach 和 Detach 按钮负责连接或断开所选 MIDI 设备的应用程序。
A MIDI file player application ACTS as an information provider by sequencing a MIDI file and publishing the commands to the broker.