He advises against drops that work by constricting blood vessels for the same reason.
Her clothes liberated women from the constricting corsets and tight skirts of the Edwardian era.
Conclusion Constricting descent aorta or injecting ISO for 8 weeks both can inflict CHF in guinea pig.
结论降主动脉缩窄或给予ISO 8周后,均可造成豚鼠心衰。
All that liquid fat running down the plughole will probably be slowly constricting the drain of your sink.
Dark colors, such as red, purple, blue, and dark shades of green, can have a constricting and gloomy effect.
Anacondas kill by constricting the prey until it can no longer breathe and swallow the prey whole, head first.
Bone spurs and other problems can also affect the foramen, constricting the space for a nerve root as it exits the spine.
But these limits are so exact and constricting that it's hard to imagine a wet system such as the brain ever achieving them.
Position of flux strip in its constricting arc is the key to constrain arc, which decides the heating characteristics of arc.
Body temperature is regulated by blood flow through the skin - vessels dilating and constricting with changing external conditions.
At first he and his colleagues thought the receptors were there to detect bitter plant toxins and protect the lungs by constricting the airways.
The stiff constricting boned bodice-and-skirt style previously worn by women was now replaced with the mantua, a more loosely draped style of gown.
Substituting double electrode for normal tungsten and substituting spherical constricting nozzle for normal cone one are the key to design the torch.
China is constricting limits ashore mortgage borrowing in wishes of cooling a mall namely has shoved housing prices beyond the approach of maximum Chinese.
It indicated that the imbalance of endothelium derived relaxing factor (NO) and the endothelium derived constricting factor (ET) was a major cause of vasospasm after SAH.
Methods: Moderate ischemia and complete occlusion of coronary artery were produced in 11 open-chest canine models by constricting left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD).
But such a perfectionist mindset can be constricting to one's career, Schulman pointed out, because there is no chance to learn and mature from the experience of getting things wrong.
The bladder and colon prepare to empty, the central portion of the adrenal medulla floods the bloodstream with adrenaline and noradrenaline, constricting the blood vessels, breathing quickens.
The skin's protective reaction of constricting surface blood vessels is slower with age, and the cold-induced rise in metabolic rate is also weakened in older people, but the mechanism is unknown.
Nevertheless, for this still-unjaundiced admirer from afar, there was a flash of that former throat-constricting poignancy when he opened the renewed Israeli-Palestinian talks on Wednesday evening.