NUE is patitioned into two major components:uptaking and utilization efficiencies.
Very early NUE due on this industry, have the industry needed the national food import license and electronic key.
NUE differed significantly under low, medium and high nitrogen, and dropped with the increase of nitrogen application.
The effect of drought stress on chemical components and main aroma matter content of nue-cured tobacco were studied with pot experiments.
It is important for the crop production of high quality, yield, and efficiency and unpolluted to improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in wheat.
The results showed that, at high N, NUE was controlled by non additative effect, and 2199 +, Henong7, Henong11 were promising lines for breeding for NUE.
结果表明,高氮条件下,氮效率受非加性效应控制,对氮高效育种有价值的自交系有2 199+ 、河农7、河农11;