Jerome McCann, for example, insists that Austen does not espouse the Romantic ideology.
Henry Jerome was part of the avant-garde; his band later brought the bop sound to conventional big-band fare.
Her son, Jerome, was born in September.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Jerome Goldstein agrees.
Jerome: : Oh my God, she's worse!
Jerome: : I know.
Jerome: : Did you hear what the speaker said?
杰罗姆:你听到演讲者所说的吗? ?
Saint Theresa and Saint Jerome would be heretics.
Mark Twain: The Adventures of Samuel L. Clemens. By Jerome Loving.
Jerome: Go on. Use my body like the pages of a book. Of your book.
Jerome Kerviel reportedly made trades in European stock index derivatives.
When we discuss Jerome McGann's essay, you'll see how it influences Romantic studies.
Tony Pulis believes he has signed a striker of "outstanding potential" in Cameron Jerome.
斯托克城主帅托尼-普利斯称他签下的新前锋卡梅隆-杰罗姆拥有无穷的潜力。 而帕拉西奥斯和克劳奇也会帮助斯托克城提升。
The author, Jerome Maida, said the 26-year-old's life makes for a particularly compelling story.
作者杰罗.姆梅达(Jerome Maida)表示,今年26岁的马克,他将一个特别引人注目的故事。
And Jerome said it's important to understand that not everyone with ADHD is a problem driver.
Jerome said it's an important study using hospital-based data of people who've actually had accidents.
Now it's not wholly clear that Jerome McGann has ever really thought of himself as a New Historicist.
Research in neurobiology, cited by Jerome Goldstein in Lisbon last month, has served to reinforce this view.
A small statue of the saint is placed on a huge platform, simulating a mountain to which Jerome once retreated.
Foie gras farmer Jerome Berna, 30, has been wearing a beret every day for 10 years, "to work and to go out on weekends."
Spokesman Capt. Jerome Baroe said the signals had come from Russian warships moving from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea.
发言人海军上校Jerome Baroe说,来自俄罗斯军舰上的信号一直在地中海到波罗的海之间移动。
Jerome Thomas, Andrey Arshavin and Jermaine Pennant were all substituted 19 times, more than any other player this season.
A tinseled charm and unabashed sentimentality -jerome stone; an unembarrassed greeting as if nothing untoward had happened.
Jerome: : Yes, but I wish she'd pick up the pace. She's making a lengthy speech even longer. At this rate, we'll be here until midnight!
杰罗姆:是的,但是我希望她快点。她在做一个更冗长的演讲。按照这个速度,我们将在这里待到午夜! !
When a child says or does something that reflects biases or embraces stereotypes, confront the child: "What makes that joke funny, Jerome?"
When a child says or does something that reflects biases or embraces stereotypes, confront the child: “What makes that joke funny, Jerome?”