The content of workflow is a serial of connection with each parts, taking action of operation activity or mission automatically.
The operation semantics carries the original design data and actual operation process to express design intent and operation activity in conventional CAD systems.
An example is used to illustrate how to design classify cargo and operation activity-based cost measuring method and control costs in a certain bulk cargo terminal.
Internal control runs through all processes of operation activity, its core is to against every kind of risk, increasing management level, so as to realize decided enterprise target.
To keep the competitive advantage, enterprise group of electric power industry needs to supervise and manage the operation activity and potential risks of its affiliated enterprises.
Enterprise assets is the economic resources with the monetary measurement and economic interest, which is owned or controlled by the enterprise. It's the premise of operation activity.
The 6 aspects are: the base of structure, the definition of operation activity, the main idea of operation activity of cash flow, about income tax, dividend and interest, form of cash flow statement.
Each operation is an activity that might be performed.
This might be acceptable during short periods of heavy activity, but it should not be relied on for the steady-state operation of the server and its applications.
For example, if an operation can be modeled completely as an activity diagram there should be no reason why that operation implementation could not be generated.
You need one receive activity per operation you define in the process's interface.
In the process editor, you can specify which operation corresponds to which receive activity.
You could have one request perform a simple arithmetic activity and another request perform a resource intensive operation, such as reading or writing to a database.
The first operation the process receives wins, just like a plain choice activity, and the process follows its path.
Because each command cannot determine the number of bytes in its respective operation, the accumulated totals and the activity bar are shown on each line.
If something performs a single activity, then it really refers to a service operation.
The registration allows a compensation operation to be invoked should the overall business activity fail.
An invoke activity simply calls an operation on another service.
Each provided operation can have a method behavior that is an activity, interaction, state machine, or opaque behavior (code).
This is an expensive operation, but at least it can be automated at the activity level.
Summary: as we determined last week, UML activity diagrams document the logic of a single operation or method, a single use case, or the flow of logic of a business process.
In Listing 5, the process provides an in-out operation: the input message of this operation is consumed by the activity, and the output message of this operation is produced via the activity.
The implementation of this operation was an activity in the UML service model.
这项操作的实现是 UML 服务模型中的一个活动。
The process contains a receive activity followed by an invoke activity, and a reply activity that is needed only if the operation offered by the process is a two-way operation.
A compensate activity lets you invoke a compensation operation for an activity or a compensation handler for a scope.
This restriction is different from the conflicting receive restriction, since a request-response operation is said to be active until the corresponding reply activity has been executed.
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When a receive activity belongs to a request-response operation, a reply activity returns the output of the operation.
A test case can be an operation or a behavioral model (Interaction, State Machine, or Activity).
Instead, the parameters of the activity (which must correspond to the parameters of its specification operation) are referenced directly on input and output pins where needed.