Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
The dinner guest laid down his knife and fork with a look of complete satisfaction.
When our dinner guest got up to leave, we begged him to stick around and watch a recent movie on TV.
The "cat" in question must've been a trick of the light coming thru my blinds—what you heard me telling my dinner guest (btw, a co-worker, period, as in just for the record) was true.
您询问的这只“猫”,一定是光线透过百叶窗给您造成的错觉——您在晚宴上听到我对客人(顺便说一句,她是我的同事, 时不时过来做拍摄工作)说的话是真的。 房东不许养猫。
Unfortunately, that next time came at an intimate dinner in a small, private dining room, where I was both a guest and a stranger.
At a recent dinner party, one guest completely took over the conversation.
How about inviting friends over for dinner, with the stipulation that every guest brings a cute single friend?
The lady guest graciously accepted my arm and allowed me to take her in to dinner.
One day the country mouse invited the city mouse to his house. He brought out the best dinner that he could find in the fields, and entertained his guest.
Darkness has not come and the fisher had to catch one more fish to cook for their dinner since there was no fish left for his guest.
Can you make room for another guest at the dinner table?
Usually when you are invited to dinner, it is absolutely unnecessary to bring a gift except on special occasions, for example when you are going to be an overnight or weekend guest.
At the dinner, the guest pretended to be enjoying the meal to show his politeness.
Guest: OK. thanks. Hello. I would like to have my dinner in my room. Please bring me a hamburger and tomato soup. And my room number is 2012.
The hotel offers two full-service restaurants serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus a bar for a wide collection of beverages, every guest will find something delectable to enjoy.
The Guest had cocktail on the terrace before went into dinner.
The guest have cocktail on the terrace before go into dinner.
Later that evening, a guest a dinner goes to refill his wine glass.
I set out to place setting for each guest at dinner last night.
He gave his guest the best dinner that he could find.
The guest is having the dinner. Another guest comes over to him with a long umbrella under his arm and a heavy suitcase in hand.
客人们正在用餐。另一位客人腋下夹着一柄长把雨伞, 手里拎着一个沉重的手提箱走了过来。
At the White House correspondents' dinner this month, Mr Obama was the guest of honour.
The Chakra Bar is a must-see for any guest staying at the resort, and both the Vajra and Toran provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
From Monday to Sunday the breakfast buffet for in house guest in Red Orange is 120yuan plus 15% service charge; dinner buffet is 188 Yuan per person plus 15% service charge.
The guest at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.