1 词典释义:
dates of birth
时间: 2025-01-27 18:07:24

pl-n. 出生日期;(date of birth的复数)

  • Converting dates of birth to ages proved more difficult.


  • In a statement, the group said it had accessed details of a million customer accounts, including email addresses and dates of birth.


  • This included their names, dates of birth and listing each other as “friends”, which also persuaded the court the right people had been found.


  • The boss's other requirements were to sort the list, increase prices by 20%, write prices to two decimal places, and replace dates of birth with ages.


  • After recording the vital information — names, dates of birth, etc. — the clerk handed me our license and deadpanned, "no refunds, no exchanges, no warranties."


  • In a statement on Thursday, Lulz Security said it had hacked into a database that included unencrypted passwords as well as names, addresses and dates of birth of Sony customers.

    在周四的一份声明中,Lulz Security声称其成功入侵一个包括索尼用户未经加密的密码、用户名、地址以及生日文件的数据库。

  • Their birth dates were checked against levels of solar activity at the time, and then compared with the diseases they had contracted.


  • Listing 11 returns a list of birth dates for the first document instance, and an empty list for the second instance.


  • Because they depend on familiar groupings—such as passport numbers, places of birth and birth dates—they tend to be highly structured sequences that are quite easy to guess.


  • For people born in the last 50 years or so, the C-14 test can by itself sometimes identify dates of both birth and death, Buchholz notes.


  • Photographs and letters are also helpful; knowing specific dates like the birth of a sibling or a move to a different house can help place fragmentary memories in time.


  • Many people who change their default passwords use their birth date or that of a child (an open secret for any public figure) or other well-known dates.


  • Zoos keep detailed records of all the animals in their care, documenting factors such as birth dates, illnesses, weight and death.


  • These are birth dates of the other top world clubs


  • The accuracy of the dates varies with some, such as Cathy Linton's birth, narrowed down to a specific time and date, while others are little more accurate than a season in a year.


  • The word "soccer" dates back to the 19th-century birth of modern football.


  • To repeat, the Davison chart is made from by taking the midpoints of the birth dates, birth times, and birthplaces of the two people involved in the relationship.


  • List all current knowledge of family locations, spouses, children, birth dates, schooling and any important incidents that only your character and they might remember.


  • I bought a lottery ticket with the Numbers of my family's birth dates.


  • Because of the incredibly coincidental dates between the death of the first child and the birth of the second, Salvador Dali's parents chose to look at the second son as a reincarnation1 of the first.


  • At least one of the birth dates, March 9, 1989, would have made her too young to qualify for the Athens Olympics in 2004, where she competed in the team and all-around events.

