We are not ruling out more arrests.
Unless he's crazy which I'm not ruling out either.
The professor suggested ruling out a few points on my term paper.
Nicklas isn't ruling out a move to the Bundesliga, he would easily find a good club there.
MRI results have not been processed yet, but the doctors are not ruling out brain injury.
Not that Ferguson is ruling out the possibility of ever signing more experienced players.
Wenchuan earthquake struck, many scientists wondered if a reservoir was to blame. Ruling out the
After ruling out other potential causes Bennett told his patients to give their eyes a rest.
After ruling out other potential causes, Bennett told his patients to give their eyes a rest.
He played down any need to nationalize American Banks, without specifically ruling out the option.
There are still a number of other possible errors and uncertainties that they are working on ruling out.
But it too appears deadlocked, with the Republicans once again ruling out tax increases of any kind.
Ruling out a significant male factor avoids unnecessary and costly surgery with its attendant risks.
The LHC is now rapidly accumulating data at higher energies, ruling out heavier territory for the super particles.
The results matched those from the previous test, "ruling out one potential source of systematic error," said CERN.
Symptom screening is useful for ruling out TB, but better TB diagnostics are urgently needed for resource-poor Settings.
The final hearing will come on Tuesday and Pastor will be ruling out sentence for the Doctor is currently behind the bars.
Ct has been very effective, with high sensitivity and specificity in ruling out pulmonary embolism (PE) and aortic dissection.
Jose Mourinho has confirmed his next job will not be in England, while also ruling out taking over the Portugal national team.
Such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights ruling out their use in research.
Ct angiography appears to be emerging as one of the most efficient and effective methods for reliably ruling out disease (93-95).
CT血管造影俨然成为一种最有效的方法可靠地排除这些疾病(93 - 95)。
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said he was not ruling out the possibility of a meltdown at all three troubled reactors at the plant.
That is, by anyone's standards, a deal-breaker, ruling out any sudden sprint to the two-state solution supported by almost everyone else.
One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights ruling out their use in research.
Doctor Sakari Orava said that Beckham's left achilles' tendon was totally torn, ruling out his hopes of playing in his fourth World Cup.