I like the slapstick comedy of silent films.
So the successful slapstick comedy Kino started up.
Do not end up in the cinema watching a Russian slapstick comedy about two sailors.
Kino is very funny slapstick comedy full of gags from the beginning until the end.
Much of the rest of the film consists of musical montages, chase scenes and slapstick comedy.
Cartoon caricatures, slapstick comedy, and clowning articles are all based on exaggeration, she notes.
Aside from segments based on the original novel, the films also use elements of slapstick comedy and martial arts.
If you remember that slapstick comedy duo Laurel and Hardy, you may remember Ollie's standard line "another nice mess you've gotten me into."
Chan's most beloved works helped create a style of filmmaking, mixing martial arts stunts and slapstick comedy, for which he is renowned today.
The baggage carousel mix-up could've been slapstick or the inciting incident of a romantic comedy had the reality not sent her bolting back to j.f..
The baggage carousel mix-up could've been slapstick or the inciting incident of a romantic comedy had the reality not sent her bolting back to J. f.
Much classical comedy depends on physical action and props, on the use of masks, or performance elements like song, chorus, and dance, and slapstick.