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Asked if he approved of the Bear Stearns deal, Mr. Lacker said: 'It was an excruciating choice.
Jeffrey Lacker, head of the Richmond Federal Reserve, this week threw his weight behind the second option.
本周,里士满联邦储备委员会会长Jeffrey Lacker,声明将支持第二方式的资金重组。
“Financial-market volatility, in and of itself, does not require a change in the target federal funds rate, ” said Mr Lacker this week.
本周 Lacker说”金融市场内部及自身波动,并不要求改变联邦基金利率的目标值。
But the "locus of concern", as the Fed's Jeffrey Lacker put it this week, remains the more obscure market for "asset-backed" commercial paper.
但是本周联储会Jeffrey Lacker讲,联储会“考虑轨迹”仍然是更让人摸不到头脑的以“资产抵押”的商业债券市场。
This is thanks in part to Jeffrey Lacker, the President of the Richmond Federal Reserve, who will be a voting member of the Fed's rate-setting body next year.
这都多亏了美国里奇蒙联储总裁拉克尔(Jeffrey Lacker)。拉克尔是美国里奇蒙联储总裁,明年他将成为美联储利率设定机构的成员。
Also, Fed's Lacker said that recent US data have prompted him to consider lowering his growth forecast and the economy could remain weak in the short term.
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