When liquidity vanishes, Banks quickly become insolvent.
Its Banks will become vulnerable, as their depositors and lenders conclude that they and the Italian state are likely to become insolvent.
Bank run is type of financial crisis, it occurs when large number of depositors withdraw their money at the same time fearing the bank might become insolvent.
It has got to the point where even Deutschebank CEO Josef Ackerman is saying that many major European Banks would become insolvent if they had to mark their sovereign debt to market.
A recent report from Bruegel, a think-tank, concluded that Greece had become insolvent, called the current wait-and-see approach "a dubious strategy" and said that restructuring was necessary.
Its auditors judged that if the transaction went ahead the company would become technically insolvent.
However, a sound bank would not become illiquid or insolvent by such an attack.