This is the reflection of trees in a rusting grate in a park near Chiang Mai train station in Thailand.
Nola has volunteered with Care for Dogs in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Its main office was relocated to Chiang mai, Thailand in 1995-96.
1995 - 1996年,其总部搬到了泰国清迈。
Lin is part of her mother's name and Ping is a river in Chiang Mai.
The people themselves are an unforgettable part of Chiang Mai.
Why is Chiang Mai, not Bangkok, the largest city of the country?
If you are more of a nature lover, consider heading north to Chiang Mai.
Maybe you can choose Chiang Mai, the second largest city in Thailand.
In Chiang Mai, it's the male Chuang Chuang that hasn't been up to the task.
Like, when you haven't eaten for 14 hours on your train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai.
I met a British family, 5 kids aged 6-16 and their Parents, on the train up to Chiang Mai.
我以前在泰国清迈遇到过一对父母和5个6 - 16岁孩子的英国家庭举家出游。
An Overview (Paraphrased from the book Monk Chat, published by Wat Suan Dok, Chiang Mai, Thailand).
I caught the trees in the water for this shot, which is the one that reminds me of my time in Chiang Mai.
Chiang Mai is a safe city to walk around the back streets discovering hidden temples and healthy restaurants.
The significant social practice, I participated in the international volunteers - Chiang mai this beautiful town.
Together, they were awarded the prize for having 'the best education policy' in Chiang Mai, while faring second nationwide.
Chiang Mai was founded in the late 13th century and is one of the oldest continually inhabited settlements in Thailand.
The Chiang Mai initiative in Asia may ultimately also produce a regional zone of deep integration around an Asian monetary fund.
Speaking of Thailand, on the streets all around Chiang Mai there are purified bottle refill stations for big 5 liter water bottles.
The mechanism, endorsed in 2000 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, already exists in the form of bilateral swap contracts between eight nations.
Article in Chiang mai, local double car, through the window looked at Chiang mai night scene of the street, is really fascinating.
Bangkok remains under a state of emergency and a string of bombings there and in the northern city of Chiang mai have rattled the public.
Rounding out the list in 10th position, Chiang Mai “with a friendly, cosmopolitan feel” is “one easy, safe and pleasant place to explore.”
泰国清迈则是一座“友好并国际化的城市。 生活方便,安全并且充满探索乐趣的地方。”
Chiang Mai chief monk Phra Thep Wisuthikhun said he had received complaints about "inappropriate behavior" at seven temples in the province.
清迈市高僧Phra Thep Wisuthikhun说,清迈地区已有七所寺院因“不当行为”而遭到投诉。
The Irrawaddy magazine was founded in 1999, Chiang Mai, Thailand by its current editor and director Aung Zaw. But, its origin dated back to 1992.
《伊洛瓦底》杂志于1999年由其现任总编aung Zaw在泰国清迈创办,而其前身可以追溯到1992年。