Within the larger university, you would get a feel for a smaller community of students.
This would enable you to "get the feel" of the places concerned, which is vital for any businessman planning a major marketing venture.
I believe this was a perfect lesson for a child in losing something important...to lose it and feel the full weight of that loss, and then to miraculously get it back.
I want to get into the language, to get a feel for it.
Before you pick a distro, it can be a good idea to get a feel for the culture of its community by visiting the associated forums; some are innately more helpful than others.
Read the details of the problem very carefully and make note of any example cases given. Experiment with pencil and paper to get a feel for the ideas behind the problem.
In particular, check out the demo to get a feel for the kind of data that can be stored and what you can do with it.
To travel by bicycle was to see many memorials only visible from the coastal path and to get a real feel for the terrain and the difficulties that faced the Allies on June 6, 1944.
Love is a bonding experience where you have Shared viewpoints and where you feel for each other. We try to get the robots as close as possible to that.
This may be excellent for the bridesmaids to get a really feel from the dress and see in the event the coloration as well as the fabric function very well for them.
Visiting campus isn't mandatory, but if you have the time and financial means, a visit is a great way to get a feel for the school and demonstrate your interest in the program.
Meeting with the company experts, such as the systems administrators, application specialists, and department mangers, can help you get a feel for what's critical and how the departments interact.
Visit local user groups to get a feel for the level and quality of adoption in your area.
When you feel totally responsible for the results you get, you increase your motivation and you take good initiatives more easily.
The night before Day Two’s shoot, I went in with a model to test out the lighting, get a feel for the space to determine which lenses to use, and just be totally prepared for Day Two.
Having more than one person interview an applicant can help you get a better feel for the candidate.
I never get a real world feel for how the language and its associated tools work for me.
Write whatever comes toyour mind as fast as youcan. Get a feel for what the scene is about beforegoing back to fine-tune.
So when I leave the camera behind, I’m able to get a better feel for a place.
But if you're reasonably fit and not afraid of heights, it's an excellent way to get a feel for the local geography.
Watch those that have won Oscars for Best Screenplay. Get a feel for the kind of screenplay that makes a great movie.
The phone should get a feel for your voice from past voice search queries, for example.
The completed application is demonstrated so that you can get a feel for where the tutorial will take you as you follow along and build your own application, step by step.
In terms of bringing value to a new job, having certifications in related areas can help a hiring manager get a feel for the depth and breadth of an individual's knowledge.
Here are two stories not having to do with death per se that may help us get a feel for the oddity of trying to disregard these facts.
However, you can get a feel for the quantity and quality of the data by using the -a command-line argument to SAR, which reports all the currently recorded information.
然而,通过使用SAR的- a命令行参数,您可以了解到数据的数量和质量,该选项报告了当前记录的所有信息。
With trait scales, the designer can get a real sense for how things should feel to the website visitor.
You can get a real feel for the system in this way.
With smaller kids it’s helpful to practice the routine so they get a feel for it. (Like role-play).