Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge.
It don't matter as long as you like Ayu.
Fans memorize her lyrics? Transform into Ayu clones and swear she 's changed their lives.
Of all the above, feeds for eel, prawn, sturgeons, sea fish and ayu are market leading brands.
Ayu-Kalpa - a variable time span representing the life expectancy of a typical human being in a particular era or yuga.
It can be expected that the ayu of migration type will be completely vanish in Feiyun river after building the DAMS across the river.
In December, a bulk freighter loaded with wheat limped into Dutch Harbor with engine problems similar to those that led to the Selendang Ayu disaster.
12月,一只载满小麦的散料转运船蹒跚进入荷兰港,究其原因是发动机出现了问题,这跟导致Selendang Ayu海难的原因很相似。
The study on nutrient requirements of dietary protein, unsaturated fatty acid, phospholipid and vitamins for Ayu(Plecoglossus altivelis)was reviewed.