Self-produced agricultural products sold by agr icultural producers;
The author ch ar acterized his heroine in a few short par agr aphs .
Plant trees and grasses, and protective froest, form new agr-ecosystem.
The simulated results of the phase concentrations and distributions of mean particle diameter agr...
Finally, the method is applied to the analysis of a prototype motor, and the experiment results agr...
According to the AGR, three sectors were predicting salary cuts, with banking forecasting a median salary decrease of as much as 8.9 per cent.
They found that fasting plasma glucose (FPG) failed to detect a substantial proportion of patients with abnormal glucose tolerance (AGR).
They found that fasting plasma glucose (FPG) failed to detect a substantial proportion of patients with abnormal glucose tolerance (AGR).
The principle and signal processing flow of air-to-ground ranging (AGR) in airborne radar are introduced, and the accuracy of pitch error is analyzed.
The adaptive Gaussian representation(AGR), which has been used to extract partial discharge (PD) signals from colored noises(CN), is proposed in this paper .
The comparison between the data from a wide field investigation and those from calculation by using the above mentioned curves and formulas shows a good agr...
For large mass flow rates was large and small heat fluxes, the variation of thermophysical properties was relatively unimportant so the experimental data agr...
The practicability of the three dimensional electric field sensor is demonstrated, and it is shown that the theoretical prediction and experimental result are in good agr…
A method of understanding and processing ISAR image is presented, which is based on the time-frequency analysis algorithm - improved Adaptive Guassian Representation (AGR).
Through comparative study of AGR and RGR, it was further testified that later management of the first crop had an important effect on formation of total aboveground biomass.