In our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either.
On the contrary, we are bound, you, I, and every one, to make common cause, even with error itself, to maintain the common right of freedom of conscience.
Kant realized that, in the field of inner freedom, Rousseau abolished the its property of self-determination, but attributed freedom to nature and emotional conscience as principle of freedom.
And we will continue to speak out for the cause of freedom in places like Cuba, Belarus, and Burma - and continue to awaken the conscience of the world to save the people of Darfur.
Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.
This "autobiographical" fiction narrates that Ernest, the protagonist, completes his conscience evolution in the journey of pursuing freedom, and ultimately makes his moral development come true.