For example, you could have weekly, monthly, quarterly and even annual roundups.
The streets were much safer — in part because of the roundups that he had been caught up in.
Roundups are posts that have the goal of highlight your best content within a certain time frame.
LuHong seamless steel tube website daily roundups: domestic steel market today the narrow adjustment.
The American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists opposes rattlesnake roundups, as does the Humane Society.
They select, edit and file the news, write national roundups and direct coverage for stories of national interest.
A hunt began for Qaddafi loyalists hiding in the city; Libyan friends told me of nightly roundups, and of gun battles in their neighborhoods.
Apart from being useful for your visitors, roundups can also bring some SEO value as they contain keyword rich links to posts that already have good chances of ranking in search engines.
Continuing our roundups of Holiday and Christmas design, today we decided to gather up some really creative Holiday themed artworks that depict the season in a unique and interesting way.