You'll have to snap to it if you want to finish on time.
Brim: Moderate width. Snap the brim to its full width and turn it up. Never snap it down or it will make your face appear shorter.
It was boom, boom, boom, like gunshots, "said the shopper, who like others in the store whipped out a cellphone to snap the scene before security personnel put a stop to any picture taking."
"It was boom, boom, boom, like gunshots," said the shopper, who like others in the store whipped out a cellphone to snap the scene before security personnel put a stop to any picture taking.
When you slide the screen up to reveal the thumb keyboard, there's no spring-assisted snap; it drags like a plow through soil.
Oh, how sweet it was to see them snap at her again from the red eiderdown! …But the nose, which was of some black composition, wasn’t at all firm.
Like its giant cousin Icadyptes, it had an hyper-elongated bill which it used to snap up fish in the ancient equatorial sea.
When I take out my phone to snap a picture, it's because I want to capture a moment that is meaningful and share it with others.
'Then if you decide to work at a surf shop after graduation, you can still snap out of it at 27 and get a real job,' he says.
I find it enough work to strike up an engaging conversation without trying to calculate the moment to snap a photograph.
The favoured strategy is to snap up a small bank, healthy or not, and turn it into a vehicle to scoop up failed local rivals.
When making a decision, it is the difference between weighing information to come to a logical conclusion and making snap judgments without understanding the information.
They don't realise that loneliness can come alive, that it can start to snap and hound at a life.
The unbundlers think it is unfair for vertically integrated firms with superior firepower to come in and snap up smaller, unbundled companies.
As well as being quieter, van Schalkwyk's vuvuzela is easy to pack and breaks on impact, because it is made of three parts that snap together.
When their predictions turn from cold snap to heat wave, say, it can play havoc with the forward price of gas.
It has been able to do so thanks to a new, global breed of consumer who loves to snap up the latest gizmos displayed in the firm's alluring stores.
Its job should not to be blowing out hot air - instead it should be telling us exactly when the cold snap is going to end.
It also has excellent debugging that's a snap to set up.
It will also encourage investors to snap up Treasury notes, making it easier to bring our fiscal house in order.
It is chiefly at the moment when there is the greatest need for attaching them to the painful realities of life, that the threads of thought snap within the brain.
You can now press the Volume Up button to snap a picture; it falls exactly where a real camera's shutter button would be.
Often however, young people ignore mental health problems thinking they will "snap out of it," or that they are something to be ashamed of.
He must have weighed a good 130 pounds, and he was strong enough to snap with one hand a branch so tough that a man would be hard put to break it with two.
He said: "the officers told them to stop and the sight of the uniforms seemed to snap them out of it."
Chalk line: Use it to snap straight guidelines for cutting plywood or laying floor tile.
If Mr Kan cannot manage this, it would be better to call a snap general election.
During your lunch break you could snap a picture of a pothole that needs patching and zap it to the proper authorities.
And part of the role of the leader sometimes is to get the team to snap out of it.