1 词典释义:
hold hearing
时间: 2024-12-14 08:20:17
英 [həʊld ˈhɪərɪŋ]
美 [hoʊld ˈhɪrɪŋ]


  • Where it is necessary to hold hearing under other circumstances.


  • If I do not have a requirement inside 3 days allegation, averment or hold hearing of witnesses, be about to accept punishment.


  • Dodd plans to hold a hearing with the SEC, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the Federal Reserve, and other bank regulators at the end of September to make certain they're on track.


  • The judge later decided on an interim hearing on April 7 when both the prosecutor and the defense lawyer will present their evidence. The court also agreed to hold the trial from June 2-4.

    主法官随后决定在4月7日再举行一次庭审,届时控方及被告方需提供充分的证据,同时将此案的正式审理定在6月2 - 4日。

  • He plans to hold a hearing on securitization next month to find out why consumers and businesses are still having so much trouble getting loans.


  • Next month a federal court is due to hold a hearing on the agreement, which will help shape the future of the digital publishing.


  • US Judge Denny Chin is expected to hold a so-called "fairness hearing" in February on whether or not to approve the settlement.


  • Next month an American court will hold a hearing on an agreement, signed last year by Google and representatives of authors and publishers, to make millions of books in America searchable online.


  • Until a forensic analysis or some other concrete evidence proves otherwise that conspiracy theory doesn't hold up for me--especially after hearing the final album versions on very good speakers.


  • The FDA will hold a separate hearing on what, if any, labeling should be required if the fish is approved.


  • Hearing her talk about it now, I can barely believe it had gotten so bad, but I tend to hold on to positive memories more than the negative ones.


  • Hearing this, the shoemaker ran out of doors in his shirtsleeves, and looked up at his roof, and had to hold his hand in front of his eyes to keep the sun from blinding him.


  • If the parties agree not to hold a hearing, the arbitration tribunal may render an award in accordance with the arbitration application, the defence statement and other documents.


  • The US Federal Court will hold a hearing on the agreement in February.


  • In a trial rife with controversy, Chin noted that it was pointless to hold a hearing on a settlement when key points were still being negotiated with the Department of Justice.


  • On hearing that Norwich was to hold its first gay pride event, grandmother Pauline Howe wrote to let her local council know of her displeasure.

    一听说诺里奇(Norwich)(译注:诺里奇在英格兰东部,是诺福克郡之郡府)将举行首次“同志骄傲节”,保利娜•豪(Pauline Howe)老奶奶就给当地委员会写了一封信以表达她的不高兴。

  • American researchers believe certain stem cells from the brain hold key to potential cure for hearing loss.


  • For example, many hunters have hearing loss on the side where they hold their gun, and pilots are especially prone to hearing loss because of the noise in airplane cabins.


  • They tend to be difficult to get to know well, and hold back parts of themselves until the other person has proven themselves "worthy" of hearing the INTP's thoughts.


  • After hearing the sad words, the woman quitted hold of her husband.


  • Hearing her daughter's success, she could not hold back tears of joy.


  • I look forward to hearing the outcome of this, but... in keeping with recent events, I won't hold my breath.


  • The arbitral tribunal shall hold a hearing under the arbitration rules, offer both parties equal opportunities to make statements and arguments, and organize them to cross-examine the evidence.


  • The hearing shall be held in public, except the situation that the case involves any state secret, business secret or personal privacy or the parties stipulate not to hold the hearing in public.


  • Legal evidence rules generally hold that how well work is performed should not be the subject of an admissibility hearing.


  • Young, will hold a hearing on Nov. 15 to consider the injunction.


  • The Import and Export Fair Trade Bureau may, when necessary, decide to hold a hearing of its own accord.

