1 词典释义:
heavy sea
时间: 2024-12-26 15:19:49


  • The cruiser knifed through the heavy sea.


  • Our ship rolled and pitched on the heavy sea.


  • The headland intercepted the heavy sea that was occasioned by the squall.


  • Nowadays, the coral reefs around the world are under all kind of threats from heavy sea traffic, tourism to climate change.


  • The reason for both launching and recovering bow-first is that, in a heavy sea, reversing manoeuvres onto a trailer are too hazardous to be contemplated.


  • The suspended structure was designed to be truss stiffened, and its erection was carried out without disturbing heavy sea traffic reaching about 1400 ships per day.


  • Based on the theories of risk assessment and fuzzy comprehensive assessment, a new model of quantitative assessment to compute the risk degree of navigating ship on heavy sea was put forward.


  • The colour feels a little heavy for an ethereal rendering of sky and sea, as Klein had envisioned.


  • The season's end also marks the beginning of a period when penguins re-enter the sea, now laden with heavy oil and soya beans.


  • Heavy metals could leech into the water table or the sea, they say, where they could harm people, reefs and other Marine wildlife.


  • North Sea producers' problem is that most of the remaining oilfields are small, or in deep waters, or contain heavy oils difficult to extract, making them expensive to develop.


  • Apart from the risk that loose sediments exposed by melted ice could slip into the sea as tsunami-generating landslides, the removal of heavy ice could also trigger volcanic eruptions.


  • Deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain.


  • On May 26th BP, the company responsible for the well that Deepwater Horizon had drilled, started to pump heavy drilling mud into the well's blowout preventer, a set of valves on the sea floor.


  • A piece of heavy farm equipment worked in a sea of red dirt, where native forest once stood, as the field was prepared for soy bean cultivation in Mato Grosso, Brazil.

    巴西马托·格罗索(Mato grosso)州,农场的重型设备在一片红土地中耕作。

  • I was very tired after a heavy week of year-end work but all I wanted was to go back to Hikkaduwa, do a little bit of reading as before, walk on the beach, and talk to my friend, the sea.


  • Far away, I can just make out the black bulk of the Chenoua, rooted in the hills around the village, moving with a slow and heavy rhythm until finally it crouches in the sea.


  • These sea gulls used to find food in the Bohai Bay sea area off Dalian city which was covered by heavy ice because of the cold weather.


  • The plant is surrounded by 140 square miles of tidal flats that are being reclaimed from the sea and will soon be covered in new petrochemical plants, power stations and other heavy industry.


  • Every evening he went out upon the sea, and one evening the net was so heavy that hardly could he draw it into the boat.


  • The project will be built on a polder, a recessed area below sea level where flood waters settle from heavy rains.


  • Countries that manage Antarctica are calling for limits on the number of tourist ships, for fortified hulls that can withstand sea ice and for a ban on the use of so-called heavy oils.


  • A steep rise in sea levels swamped part of the historic lagooon city of Venice amid storms and heavy rains that have beaten down on Italy over the past 24 hours.


  • Hotter temperatures, an increase in heavy downpours, and rising sea levels are among the effects of "unequivocal" warming, concludes the report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program.


  • These heavy boxes should be sent by sea.


  • Figure 17. Boundaries (heavy colored lines) of the Aegean Sea (as) and Anatolia (at) plates, which are surrounded by the Africa (AF), Arabia (ar), and Eurasia (EU) plates.


  • All of the air and sea lines in Yantai were suspended and many local schools closed due to heavy snowfall Thursday night.

