Critically lauded and a commercial hit, "Shutter Island" still seems underrated — the film's real twist is that it's an even better movie on second viewing.
Though it also allows commercial Banks to offer a 15 percent discount on individual mortgages, up from the previous 10 percent discount, the hike still hit real estate consumption.
They are always on the look out for the latest hot band that no one has heard of so that one day, they can hit it just right and be into a band BEFORE they are featured in an Apple commercial.
Although troubled business debts, such as commercial property, are rising, households are the worst hit.
Now the global slowdown has given the debate a keener edge, for it has disproportionately hit the commercial markets in America and Europe to which India traditionally looks.
Agriculture Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel says the situation was not serious enough to justify compensation because commercial bird stocks have not been hit.
The rapid development of E-commerce brings commercial opportunity to enterprises, at the same time, it poses great hit to the traditional taxation system.
At last, in 1947, the first commercial microwave oven hit the market.
The hardest-hit market on Wednesday was for debt tied to shopping malls, office buildings and other commercial property.
The Dirty Vegas commercial was such a hit that Mitsubishi followed it up with a spot for the Outlander featuring another so called electronic song, "Breathe."
Industrial and commercial tax revenues are expected to hit 630 billion yuan for the whole year.
Typhoon Muifa is forecast to hit China late Saturday or early Sunday close to Shanghai a commercial hub with a population of 23 million.