They also say, her husband is locked, the key stored in the highly secret place.
All national information department have two highly secret information war action group at least.
The relationship between the size of highly secret string distilled and the opponent's min-entropy is also illustrated.
Mezhgorye is a closed town in Russia which is believed to house people working on the highly secret Mount Yamantaw. The town was founded in 1979.
梅日戈尔耶镇(Mezhgorye)是俄罗斯一个封闭的村镇,据传闻,镇里住的都是在亚曼塔瓦山(Mount Yamantaw)周边从事高度机密任务的工作人员,直到1979年这个小镇才为世人所发现。
The strategies of policing facing battles are fiercely antagonistic, mysteriously strange and changeful, highly secret, powerfully integrated, and clearly aimed.
The irony is most people do not avail themselves of this highly effective, 'secret' strategy to achieve their desires.
Mr Apotheker, who used to run SAP, a German software giant, has made little secret of his desire to see HP expand in highly profitable software businesses.
The secret to optimism is that it doesn't just happen — highly optimistic people have to work on maintaining their sunny attitudes.
Please this is a highly confidential proposal which must be kept secret to you only.
We highly respect the business secret and we will not give the confidential content and information to any other part without both permission.
It is a easy to realize, prompt to update the secret key, highly secure scheme.
The Secret history of Mongolia is a great work that is highly valued in the fields of history, military as well as literature.