For more information, see MEST - What is it and how does it work?
有关更多信息,请参见MEST -什么是MEST以及MEST如何工作?
In mest current methods for computation of pile head stiffness, pile is supposed to be rigid.
The topic describes how to create a conceptual model with multiple entity sets per type (MEST).
Note that you should only implement MEST when the underlying database tables have the same structure.
When you are working with entity types that do not have associations to other types, defining a MEST model is straightforward.
The school year is divided into two semesters [si 'mest?], the first of which is September through December, and the second January thought May.
A biotech lab in Kathmandu is due to be completed in 2009, while MEST plans to construct a national biotechnology research and development centre.
However, to define a MEST model for entity types that do have associations with other types, you must implement MEST for each type in the object graph.
However, the existing environment was already using a light-weight message exchange state transfer (MEST) approach that is leveraged to allow for further innovation.
然而,现有环境已经使用了轻量级的消息交换状态传输(message exchange state transfer——MEST)的方式,这给以后的进一步革新留出了空间。