They used to walk, they used to swim, they used to fly with a toothy grin.
They've found God, reached a level where they wear a big toothy grin on their faces that won't crack.
Nine-year-old Kate Middleton shows her true colors - and a toothy grin - in a photo taken at prep school around 1991.
Using a motion-capture system, the robot, called Geminoid TMF, can move its rubber face to imitate a smile, a toothy grin, and a grim look with furrowed brows.
这款名为Geminoid TMF的机器人利用一个动作捕捉系统,使她的橡胶制成的脸庞可以动起来,从而模仿出微笑、露齿笑和皱眉头的严峻表情。
He was on top of her back, pushing and grunting, and she lay on her stomach, her face turned toward mine. Her green mouth gaped, and when she saw me spying, she flashed me a toothy grin.
With her Cheshire cat look, Saraswati used an app to edit her eyes and an impressive amount of make up and face paint to complete the rest of the look, including the cat's signature toothy grin.
柴郡猫的猫咪形象装扮好后,萨拉瓦蒂用应用编辑了眼睛, 脸部施以重彩浓墨,完成剩余包括猫咪露齿而笑在内的妆容。