When natural disaster strikes, what is needed is sympathy and practical aid.
In practical terms, the diagnosis did little to aid me. Of course, it enabled me to understand my body, my limitations and set me on a course to stabilise my symptoms.
In practical terms the diagnosis did little to aid me. Of course, it enabled me to understand my body, my limitations and set me on a course to stabilise my symptoms.
What might a Beyond Aid world mean in practical terms?
Based on the practical data and with the aid of the dynamical and statical methods, the marketing price of coal reserves has been calculated.
And as one of Australia's biggest (and most discreet) donors of aid to poor countries, he also likes to keep things simple: his mission is to help the "poorest of the poor" in practical ways.
This is carried out by the aid of computer analogue, leading to a new practical technique to store the binary images.
This article introduces the basic characters of the new textbook math and their practical experience in exerting multimedia technology to aid education.
Psychological first aid covers both social and psychological support and involves the provision of humane, supportive and practical help to people suffering from serious crisis events.
NET 2005, develop a complete and practical anti-slide pile design calculation software that can be used to aid engineering design.
NET 2005开发一套完整而实用的抗滑桩设计计算软件,以辅助工程设计。
Practice shows that the method has favorable practical value, and it may provide reference to combat decision-aid.
None of these trends, of course, are practical without the aid of supporting technology.
It introduces the theory and practical results of installing tube optical cable by the aid of mechanical push power.
Schools were also established by institutions and by guilds15 to aid the poor, but in these schools only practical, everyday knowledge was taught.
The system provides medical workers with aid for clinical and theoretical research, overall being well practical.
There are some practical issues to traditional method to solve all the clinical transfusion medicine and battlefield first aid cases, so study of blood substitutes emerge.
The role of this country should consist of friendly aid in the drafting of a European program and of later support of such a program so far as it may be practical for us to do so.
Advanced technology needs the support and aid from venture investment which is an impetus for the technology's shifting into practical productivity.
The nursing processes are practical with sound effect. They can shorten the first-aid time and improve the first-aid quality.