Other materials as required by the Ministry of Finance.
A spokesman for Japan's Ministry of Finance declined to comment.
These activities are essential, but also one of the core tasks of the Ministry of Finance.
General Manager's Office and the Ministry of Finance and Planning Association room Settings.
Various Ministry of Finance officials then declined to comment of any moves in the FX markets.
These agencies are the Bank of Indonesia, Bapepam, Directorate General of Taxation, and Ministry of Finance.
Second, the Japanese Ministry of Finance today disclosed that China has increased its holding of Japanese bonds.
And at HSBC, they think the latest bout of intervention by Japan will continue as deemed needed by the Ministry of Finance.
Northern taxpayers would also recoil from the idea of a future "Ministry of Finance of the union" which Mr Trichet recently floated.
Northern taxpayers would also recoil from the idea of a future “ministry of finance of the union” which Mr Trichet recently floated.
Japan's Ministry of Finance first sought private-sector solutions to its banking crisis so as not to arouse voter anger by using taxpayers' money.
To ensure that the quality of projects completed according to schedule, with the Ministry of Finance plans to complete the design fee charged.
I went to the Ministry of Finance and we went to the Norges bank, which is their central bank, and I think the answer I got from them was, yes you're right.
On the policy of increasing funding in the region: The Ministry of Finance will allocate a larger share of its construction fund to the western region.
A more outrageous example is the Ministry of Finance which in the wake of five years of recession is widely considered too powerful for Japan's own good.
I am from the tariff Policy department, a department of the Ministry of Finance that studies the tariff policies of our country and deals with related affairs.
February 15th in 2006, the Ministry of Finance news conference released 39 accountancy's standards, including among them: 1 basic standard, 38 concrete standards.
In 2006, Ministry of Finance modified the enterprise accounting standards, and the application and measurement of fair value became a highlight in the modification.
"Mexico has recognized it will be heavily impacted by the effects of climate change," says Ricardo Ochoa, Head of the International Affairs Unit of the Ministry of Finance.
“墨西哥已认识到将遭受气候变化造成的严重影响,”Ricardo Ochoa,墨西哥财政部国际司司长表示。
A copy of the annual accounting statement for key joint enterprises designated by the Ministry of Finance shall, at the same time, be submitted to the Ministry of Finance.
He also served as chief economist for the World Bank's East Asia and the Pacific Region and as deputy vice minister for international affairs of Japan's Ministry of Finance.
After collecting the surcharges for delayed declaration, the customs shall issue a voucher as uniformly printed (and supervised) by the Ministry of Finance to the consignee.
Stephen Jen, an economist at Morgan Stanley, argues that Japan's Ministry of Finance should consider selling some of those reserves to break the one-way bet against the yen.
摩根斯坦利的经济学家施蒂芬·詹(Stephen Jen)认为日本的财长应该考虑卖出部分外汇储备以打破针对日元的单向赌博。
Remember this is the information technology centre [at the Ministry of Finance], this is the place where all the money to do with Iraq and all Iraq's financial matters are housed.