He grew up in the south western part of Calgary.
The giant panda, or panda is a bear native to central-western and south western China.
The valley around the Malinghe River is a national scenic spot in south western part of Guizhou.
The relationship between free oxide and soil development in south western district of China is also discussed in this paper.
Cape Leeuwin marks the south western tip of Australia and is one of the three Great Capes that only a privileged few get to race past.
Meet the Quokka, a marsupial that seems to have come straight from an animator at Disney, but is actually native to a small corner of south western Australia.
The northeastern part of the city is high while the south western part is low topographically, with a southeastern plain tilted gradually downward to the Bohai Sea.
The rise of this Canadian tech giant has put this mid-sized south western Ontario city on the map in more ways than one, helping to solidify the community’s allegiance.
Among the candidates are Russian dandelion and guayule, a desert shrub found in the south-western American states and in Mexico.
On the other hand, rainfall increased in the interior of western Africa, and the northern limit of the tsetse fly, an insect fatal to cattle, moved south.
Solar power has an intuitive appeal under the blistering south-western sun, but it is still expensive per megawatt.
To obtain information on surgical facilities and workforce, we conducted a cross-sectional survey of all hospitals performing major surgery in 14 districts of south-western Uganda in 2007–2008.
In THE dry south-western part of California's Central Valley, almond-growers are resorting to desperate measures.
Dense rainforests cover the south-western part and this is the area to go to when you want to see wildlife.
在西南部覆盖着浓密的雨林。 如果你想感受野外生活,这地方就最好不过了。
And in the case of the forests of south-western Nepal, the target is the trees.
Without irrigation, no crops would grow in the dry plains of south-western New south Wales, where the Murrumbidgee meets the Murray.
To study paediatric surgery rates in south-western Uganda, compare them to rates in England, and determine if existing surgical facilities and workforce meet World Health Organization (WHO) standards.
Resembling a work of modern art, variegated green crop circles cover what was once shortgrass prairie in south-western Kansas.
Ethnic Nepalese make up 35%, and tribes such as the Sharchops, in the south-western regions, another 15%.
Commercial robot makers such as Tmsuk, based in south-western Japan, say they were shut out too.
Melinda Opperman of Springboard, a credit-counselling agency with offices in five south-western states, says a typical debt-management plan takes three to five years to complete.
来自信用咨询机构Springboard的梅琳达·欧泊曼(Melinda Opperman)说,一般的债务管理规划通常需要3至5年完成。 Springboard目前在西南部的五个州开设业务。
On 29 October 2008, while thousands slept in their mud brick homes in Pakistan's south-western Baluchistan province, a powerful earthquake struck with devastating force.
YOU can gauge the depth of Florida's economic woes with a quick look at a parking lot on the north side of Cape Coral, on the state's south-western coast.
只要看一眼西南海岸的Cape Coral城北停车场,你就能感觉到佛罗里达的经济有多不景气。
Potholers discovered the lower jawbone of the first modern European in 2002 in Pestera cu Oase, the "cave with bones", located in the south-western Carpathians.
2002年,探洞爱好者在Pestera cu Oase发现了首位现代欧洲人的下颚骨。 Pastera cu Oase,也就是“骨头洞穴”,位于喀尔巴阡山脉西南部。
Nigeria has an estimated poultry population of around 140 million birds, largely concentrated in the south-western part of the country.