We should clean up the past-due bills.
Tracking your past-due accounts and actively pursuing collections.
Experts say 5 cents on the dollar is now the most a card company can hope to get for its past-due accounts.
In fact, when you pay past-due debts it restarts the time period that it can be reported in your credit history!
Most accounting software programs let you easily track past-due accounts, but you also need to have a clear process for pursuing collections.
This is mainly due to past restrictions in the printing industry.
Deep into my third pregnancy — days and days past my due date — I asked my two daughters whether they wanted to be at home for the birth.
Some served as soldiers in black units in the Union Army, which allowed its men, black and white, to take their guns home with them as partial payment of past due wages.
But America's past success is due as much to good luck as to any uniquely American virtues.
Tiger Numbers worldwide have collapsed from an estimated 100,000 over the past century, due to poaching and human encroachment.
The streamlined effort will target certain loans that are 90 days or more past due, these people said.
The days when a car aficionado could repair his or her own car are long past, due primarily to the high software content.
The scarcity of water has led to famine in the past due to lack of project addressing water conservation in the source area.
Mortgage-loan delinquency (ratio of borrowers 60 or more days past due) has risen approximately 54 percent from the same quarter of 2007, estimates TransUnion.com.
First, pay all your past due accounts.
This issue has become ever more obvious in the past year, due to the arrival of various Ruby IDEs.
由于各式各样的Ruby IDE问世,这个问题在过去几年里变得更加明显了。
The report says that Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages past, due to its axis having been more steeply tilted towards the Sun.
If the student's past due balance does not equal zero, then the sequence skips sending any of the messages in the option combination fragment.
The Federal Reserve reported that 6.5 percent of credit card debt was at least 30 days past due in the first quarter, the highest percentage since it began tracking the number in 1991.
You can't return it, because it 's one day past due.
Your account is way past due.
This letter, I know, is long past due .