From data collected, it seems the things that cause us to lose the most sleep, on average, are sporting events, time changes, and holidays.
As yet a challenge to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between sleep and nutrition, there may be a third factor that impacts both of them.
It's as yet a challenge to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between sleep and nutrition. There may be a third factor that impacts both of them.
Hours of watching the mobile phones can be harmful to their eyes and cause students to sleep less.
Over time, not having enough sleep—especially deep and REM sleep—can cause one to become sick more easily.
To find the cure, doctors first look to the cause by keeping a “sleep diary, ” in which you record your sleep habits.
As we probe deeper into how this mutation causes sleep problems, it very likely will also give insight to how the mutation will cause depression.
Still to be determined: Do sleep deficits actually cause people to become overweight?
Though it may cause you to become drowsy, alcohol fragments the stages of your sleep and makes it more disrupted.
According to a recent study, sleep problems are not just tiring and frustrating, they can also cause health problems, raising the risk of heart disease and stroke.
According to a recent study, sleep problems are not just tiring and frustrating , they can also cause health problems, raising the risk of heart disease and stroke.
It not only can make you gain serious amounts of weight and disrupt your sleep, it may also cause you to inadvertently eat toxic substances or foods to which you're allergic.
First, they did not take into account for obstructive sleep apnea, the disorder known to cause disrupted sleep due to pauses in breathing or shallow breathing during sleep.
Excitement can ward off sleep as successfully as worry and give you cause to worry that you'll be too tired to enjoy the event!
Now, a nightlight won't hurt, but keeping the TV or computer on or having your normal light on can cause us to wake throughout the night, disturbing our sleep.
She said periods of micro sleep were thought to be the most likely cause of people falling asleep at the wheel while driving.
In contrast, most of the newer Rx sleeping pills on the market, such as Ambien and Sonata, do not appear to cause late-night sleep interruptions, according to Karam-Hage.
Check the label of nonprescription drugs or the prescription drug information sheet to see if your medicine interferes with sleep or can cause insomnia.
If coughing persists for more than eight weeks or if coughing brings up sputum or blood or disturbs your sleep, see your doctor to check for a more serious cause of your coughing.
Drinking excessive amounts can also lead to loss of sleep as people have to get up in the night to go to the toilet, and other studies show it can even cause kidney damage, instead of preventing it.
To get at cause and effect, you would have to conduct an experiment in which you deprive people of sleep and observe the results.
However, doing this too close to bedtime may actually cause difficulties in getting to sleep as your body will still be revved up.
Focusing on continuous noise can leave you irritable and cause you to develop a poor sleep habit.
Blocked air passages can cause those with sleep apnea to stop breathing and wake up hundreds of times throughout the course of a night, and they are usually unable to recall doing so the next morning.
And even on a monophasic sleep pattern, caffeine is known to cause sleep problems.
Or does being overweight cause people to not get enough sleep?
Too little food will cause you to be distracted by hunger, while too much food will make you want to sleep.
If that's the case, then even turning a light on for a few seconds while you visit the lavatory during the night can cause levels of melatonin to fall, making it hard to get back to sleep.
A bed that's too soft can cause poor sleep postures (which can also lead to muscle stiffness and back problems).