The system is expected to be commissioned in late-1998.
A second hull was launched possibly in 2007 and may be commissioned in 2010.
However, not all safety products need the CCC mark to be commissioned in China.
The nuclear plant now being built is expected to be commissioned in five years' time.
The nuclear plant now being built is expected to be commissioned in five years' time.
Not qualified, shall be commissioned by the property management enterprise management.
China's current law, Banks and trust companies can be commissioned to accept the loan.
The New Mexico is expected to be commissioned into Navy service next year at Norfolk, Va.
Stock trading in the stock exchange should be commissioned by the time the market opened.
Customers can entrust our full supervision, we can also be commissioned in phases Commissioner.
We can be commissioned to design and produce carrier tapes of different types for our customers.
Now the illustrations, photography, and other graphic or audiovisual content for the site need to be commissioned and created.
How many more studies need to be commissioned to show us that our mothers were right each time they admonished us to "eat your veggies!"
Four new Customer Service centers in Riyadh and Makkah have been completed and further ten centers are expected to be commissioned by year end.
The wealth such business brought to Italy meant that large public and private artistic projects could be commissioned and individuals had more leisure time for study.
Roark is commissioned to rebuild the Cortland Homes by a private businessman, and Wynand decides the time has come to build his Wynand Building, which will be the city's tallest skyscraper.
Commissioned by pro skater and Etnies founder Pierre-Andre Senizergues, the house will be decorated with skateboard inspired furniture.
This will be the first report for WHO of this nature ever commissioned by Member States.
You could be forgiven for wondering whether Apple had commissioned the advertisement.
Most of its equipment budget is already taken up with existing programmes, commissioned long ago with bills to be paid for years to come.
其列出的大部分设备预算已经被现存的项目占据- - -这些项目几年前就已授权执行,并且费用在未来几年付清。
Although one of the strip's creators said it was drawn by pro bono artists, some Internet users suggested that it may be a part of a behind-the-scenes campaign or was even commissioned by the Kremlin.
The policy also restricts the amount of American technology that can be used in exploring for oil in Cuban waters, which partly explains why Repsol has commissioned a Chinese bespoke rig.
这一政策亦限制了美国相关技术在古巴海域的应用。 所以西班牙雷普索尔公司才会委托中国打造钻探设备。
Cameron's commissioned submersible will be made from composite materials and powered with an electric motor.
Steve Hilton, the prime minister's chief policy guru, commissioned a venture capitalist, Adrian Beecroft, to write a report on areas in which employment laws could be loosened.