1 词典释义:
putting an end to
时间: 2025-01-16 02:42:05


  • "They bought the seedlings and closed them down," complained Paul Arnold, a partner at San Francisco-based Switch Ventures, putting an end to businesses that might one day turn into competitors.

    总部位于旧金山的 Switch 风险投资公司合伙人保罗·阿诺德抱怨道,“他们买下这些初创企业然后将其关闭”,将那些有朝一日可能会成长为竞争对手的企业扼杀于摇篮。

  • The thinker putting an end to thought is still the continuity of thought.


  • But I am always performing the Awakening act, putting an end to the dream.


  • This will be announced to the world tomorrow, putting an end to the whole saga.


  • You can also try putting an end to unhealthy habits like excessive drinking and smoking.


  • Despite his veteran status, Baird is not considering putting an end to his curling career.


  • And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison.


  • Technology and science as symbolized by the "car" is tearing down and putting an end to nature.


  • By putting an end to portlet-development anarchy, JSR 168 has laid those businesses' fears to rest.

    通过结束portlet开发的混乱状态,JSR 168平息了那些企业的担忧。

  • The translation is that Lisa, the dreamer, is putting an end to the secrecy of her husband's addiction.


  • This will undoubtedly involve putting an end to the messy business of formulating policy by consensus.


  • The problem is getting him to leave your party rather than worrying about him putting an end to your party.


  • And I said, 'When we were putting an end to the Cold War, we said that the world needs to rethink old problems.


  • Technology is a wonderful thing if you are putting it to use, less so if it is putting an end to your usefulness.


  • I leave home and come to this bar. And when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison.


  • After putting an end to the tense situation, the two arrive on Bandomeer, where Qui-Gon receives a letter signed by Xanatos.


  • And we're putting an end to the days of taxpayer-funded bailouts so Main Street never again has to pay for Wall Street's mistakes.


  • I think your success in putting an end to James Gums career as a curator pleased you most because you could imagine your father being pleased.


  • At the other end, our society is perhaps in the process of putting an end to the social, of burying the social beneath a simulation of the social.


  • When you catch yourself being mean to yourself, intervene on your behalf by putting an end to the behavior (thoughts, words, or actions) immediately.


  • Instead of putting an end to the situation, you settle for the unsatisfactory relationship thinking that it's better than no relationship at all - which isn't true.


  • At last the moment comes, passengers all feel like putting an end to the endless bargin, they all congragate to a room called "Kopenheigen"to carry out the mission.


  • On July 21st the two countries signed an accord on the last small stretch that had yet to be formally settled, putting an end to a quarrel that once came close to war.


  • The Leo dad is the kind of dad who is easy to be friends with. The problem is getting him to leave your party rather than worrying about him putting an end to your party.


  • Sandra Bullock and Jesse James had finalized their divorce in June, putting an end to their five-year marriage. Jesse's cheating and unfaithfulness is main reason behind the split.


  • The intellect can perceive its own activities which bring about degeneration but it is utterly incapable of putting an end to its own decline because essentially it is only a part.


  • ANYONE struggling to understand why Europe has proved incapable of putting an end to the euro's crisis might find answers in a bad-tempered dinner at a summit on October 28th 2010.

