Bills of exchange contributed to the development of banks, as exchangers began to provide loans.
By the middle of the sixteenth century, financiers and traders commonly accepted bills of exchange in place of gold or silver for other goods.
Definition, contents, types and operating skills of bills of exchange;
Can be received within six months of bank acceptance bills of exchange.
Enclosed please find five bills of exchange as noted at foot amounting to $5620000.
If we accept bills of exchange or cheques, the Buyer shall pay any discount charges or bank charges.
These claims also include claims under checks and bills of exchange, as well as current-account claims.
In some places, as at Amsterdam, Hamburg, Venice, foreign bills of exchange are paid in what they call bank money.
In some places, as at amsterdam, hamburg, venice, foreign bills of exchange are paid in what they call bank money .
Bills of exchange and checks are accepted only on the basis of an express agreement in writing and only on behalf of payment.
The bank, like any modern one, held deposits and made loans, dealt in bills of exchange, changed money and conducted business abroad.
和现代银行一样,梅第奇银行的业务包括吸纳存款,放出贷款,处理汇票,兑换货币并涉足国外业务。 她的每一家分行都是控制公司的总行之下的合伙人。
Cheques, bills of exchange and transfers will only be considered as paid once they have been cleared or credited to Mentor's account.
Bills of exchange are a convenient way of collecting payments from overseas customers, but we prefer an irrevocable letter of credit.
If you have foreign currency notes, bills of exchange and checks, you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount.
Financial documents' means bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment of money.
If the bills of exchange were holders or their agents deliberately wiped clean, and Obliteration is clear, the responsibility bill to be lifted.
If the bill is not paid to come by, bills of exchange on the payee's name shall be stated with reasonable certainty or otherwise indicated that the.
Bills of exchange and checks shall, at all times, be accepted only on account of performance. All bank charges and exchange costs are borne by the Buyer.
Collections should not contain bills of exchange payable at a future date with instructions that commercial documents are to be delivered against payment.
The Seller's rights under Section 9 of these General Terms and Conditions below remain unaffected until all claims under bills of exchange have been settled in full.
Unless the endorsement on the date set out in the bill due date, each flow of the transfer should be regarded as bills of exchange on the surface as previously expired.
The common law, including "merchant law" rule, except that contravened the provisions of this law, will continue to apply to bills of exchange, promissory notes and checks.
"While payment" means bills of exchange due date or the due date of the bill in good faith payment to ticket holders, and ticket holders do not know the title of the bill have any flaws.
Often referred to as a business credit line, these short-term financing facilities come in a number of different forms. Some of which include bills of exchange, letters of guarantee, etc.
The British Bills of Exchange Act, 1882 has been in use after its approval by the Parliament, which plays an unalterable role in the history of the Law of Negotiable Instruments in the world.
At mid-century, an Antwerp financier only slightly exaggerated when he claimed, "One can no more trade without bills of an exchange than sail without water."