JDO2.2: Support for "cacheable" declarations.
Requesting a cacheable object the first time.
Requesting a cacheable object the second time.
Different cacheable objects have different elements.
Especially when the result is cacheable by a web server.
Data grids are the containers used to store cacheable application data.
It must identify the requests and replies as non-cacheable by a proxy.
Sometimes the only way catch an un-cacheable woman is to offer her a wed ring.
If the request is cacheable, the XML proxy will perform a standard side cache operation.
Even if the script is cacheable, extra HTTP requests occur when the user reloads the page.
The edge server will automatically cache any cacheable content if the response code is 200.
如果响应码是 200,边缘服务器会自动地缓存所有可缓存的内容。
Several solutions are available to deal with the problems of resources not being cacheable.
How does WebSphere Portal decide whether a rendered page is actually cacheable in a remote cache?
WebSphere Portal如何确定呈现的页面是否可以实际缓存在远程缓存中?
In the next dialog, you can configure which memory Spaces will be cacheable for instructions and data.
UPDATE: it appears that there's no such thing as a cacheable DMA buffer on ARM if you do it the normal way.
The address space corresponding to instruction memory is always indicated cacheable, which is correct in function.
The worst are ones which dynamically generate all content and don't provide validators; they may not be cacheable at all.
This WebSphere Portal feature makes it possible for several views of a single portlet are cacheable with differing options.
利用此 WebSphere Portal 功能,可以使用不同选项缓存单个 Portlet 的多个视图。
If ignore access control in caches is set to false for a portal page, a completely rendered page will not be cacheable at all.
Because the shared-memory pool is accessed by all processors on the backplane, that memory must be configured as non-cacheable.
Dynamic cache grids store cacheable objects from applications that utilize the WebSphere dynamic cache APIs or container-based caching.
动态缓存网格存储来自利用 WebSphere 动态缓存 APIs 或基于容器的缓存的应用程序的可缓存对象。
A first-time visitor to your page may have to make several HTTP requests, but by using the Expires header you make those components cacheable.
The strategy works like this: You can make certain data, either static or that which changes infrequently, persistent or cacheable through the ESB.
此策略的工作方式是这样的:可以通过 ESB 使某些数据(静态数据或变化不频繁的数据)变为持久性数据或可缓存数据。
Dynamic cache grids store cacheable objects from applications that utilize the WebSphere application Server dynamic cache APIs or container-based caching.
动态缓存型网格存储来自可利用WebSphere Application Server动态缓存api或基于容器的缓存的应用程序的可缓存对象。
The second attribute indicates that although the object is cacheable, the test.js file was not found in the Akamai cache so it was delivered from our data center.
第二个属性表明,尽管 test.js 文件是可缓存的,但是在 Akamai 缓存中没有找到它,所以要从我们的数据中心交付它。
The advantage of this soon becomes clear: for such a cacheable page, a roundtrip to the portal server is no longer required after the first generation of that page.
Also, to make a resource request cacheable, you need to explicitly set the cache control information on the response so that the portal can generate caching headers.
The HTTP 1.1 spec has many extensions for making pages cacheable, and is the authoritative guide to implementing the protocol. See sections 13, 14.9, 14.21, and 14.25.
HTTP 1.1的规范有大量的扩展用于页面缓存,以及权威的接口实现指南,参考章节:13, 14.9, 14.21, 以及 14.25.