This four-part series is designed to help you.
In this paper, a four-part unit on the theory of crime.
I think everybody should study ants. They have an amazing four-part philosophy.
The rest of the four-part documentary will be screened on later this week.
四部中其他部分将会在本周晚些时候在VBS . tv放映。
IllustrationThis is the second article in a four-part series on software architecture.
This article, Part 1 of a four-part series, lays the foundation for the other articles.
本文是系列文章(共四篇)的第 1 部分,同时也是其它各部分的基础。
Parallel intervals of a fifth, octave or unison are traditionally prohibited in four-part writing.
Opening a four-part series, they address the subject of value, the first conservation challenge to overcome.
This is part three of a four-part series on the types of presentations every CIO must have. So far I’ve talked about
This is the third article in a four-part series discussing common XML pitfalls and, more importantly, ways around them.
本系列文章包括四部分,这是第三部分,讨论常见的 XML 陷阱,而更重要的是如何绕过这些陷阱。
This article, the first in a four-part series, looks at three emerging technologies that have several things in common.
This article, the final installment in this four-part series, examines class loader deadlocks and constraint violations.
This article is the first in a four-part series that explores a real case scenario with a healthcare reservation system.
Measure your fitness level with a simple four-part test. Then use the results to set fitness goals and track your progress.
This four-part series examines current MIT efforts to refine AUVs' artificial intelligence, navigation, stability and tenacity.
This four-part article series provides an introduction to Lotus Sametime V7.5.1 plug-in development using the Eclipse platform.
本系列文章共分四个部分,介绍了如何使用Eclipse平台开发Lotus Sametime V7.5.1插件?
This article is the final piece in the four-part J2ME 101 series, which consists of a two-part tutorial and two follow-up articles.
本文是由两个教程和两篇补充文章组成的、共四部分的J2ME 101系列的最后一部分。
In the last article in this four-part series, explore another project that also takes the embrace-the-web approach to mobile, Sencha.
Tutorials in this four-part series explain what modeling is and how to leverage the extensibility features of Rational Software Architect.
本系列的四个教程说明了什么是建模,以及如何利用Rational Soft ware Architect的可扩展特性。
In this four-part series, I'll do my best to dispel all three myths in the most practical way possible: by teaching you to work around them.
This four-part series explores criteria to consider as you create RFPs for new technology purchases and evaluate alternative vendors' solutions.
In March of that year James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist, published the first piece of a four-part paper entitled "On physical lines of force".
那一年3月份的时候,一位苏格兰物理学家,詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦,发表了他论文《论物理的力线(On physical lines of force)》四部分的第一部分。
This four-part series covers the process and working methods Kemp USES for designing science-fiction vehicles for the games and entertainment industry.
Although this article is the end of a four-part series on the creation of DOAP, it also marks the beginning of the project's lifetime in the public eye.
Jarjies said the main phase of the four-part decommissioning program, which he supervises, started in 2007 and should be finished by the middle of next year.
This article, part 1 of a four-part series, outlines the configuration setup necessary to perform Lotus Sametime V7.5.1 plug-in development using Eclipse.
作为共分 4 部分的系列文章的第 1 部分,本文简要介绍了使用 Eclipse 开发 Lotus Sametime V7.5.1 插件所需的配置设置。