He was branded by the press as "villainous" and "diabolical."
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》A more villainous-looking lot never hung in a row on Execution dock.
In The Avengers, the all-star ensemble must thwart a possible world-ending scheme devised by Thor's villainous brother Loki.
What villainous weather!
All thanks to the hopeless, villainous TEPCO.
We expect our hero's rival to show his villainous side.
Mambo: I kind of go for these power-mad, villainous, evil women.
SOME view history as just the biography of great and of villainous men.
Motley makes his villains excessively villainous and his heroes wearisomely heroic.
An unfamiliar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door.
An unfamiliar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door.
In the years since the first film, the villainous businessman has become a Hollywood commonplace.
Helena Bonham Carter as the villainous Bellatrix Lestrange is a shining but underused talent.
And furthermore, we can see that howgenuinelygood Tom Jones is as compared by villainous MasterBlifil.
He says people are naturally wary of him because of his villainous character, but he likes to win them over.
And furthermore, we can see that how genuinely good Tom Jones is as compared by the villainous Master Blifil.
A second sequence introduced Hugo Weaving as the villainous Red Skull and his pursuit of the powers of Asgard's tree of life.
little villainous-looking and dirty shops [in which] an enormous business is transacted in the sale of milk for the manufacture of halfpenny ices.
As we see, Marx reprimands capitalists of High Churchmen, the Methodist Church or Quakers have the similar villainous characters to that merchant of Venice.
Gentlemen Prefer Blonds: White hot hair lends the villainous Roy Batty an aura of icy, alien 'otherness' in Ridley Scott's unparalleled sci-fable Blade Runner.
爱金发的绅士:在莱德利·斯科特(Ridey Scott)无可比拟的科幻影片《银翼杀手》中,白热色头发让邪恶的罗伊·巴蒂(Roy Batty)浑身散发着冰冷的异域气息。
Above the chimney were sundry villainous; old guns, and a couple of horse-pistols: and, by way of ornament, three gaudily painted canisters disposed along its ledge.
The captain glared at him for a while, flapped his hand again, glared still harder, and at last broke out with a villainous, low oath, "Silence, there, between decks! ""
In LA, the odd trio visits the decrepit, vacant Muppet Studios, and avid fan Walter finds out that it is going to be torn down by villainous oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper).
在洛杉矶,这个奇怪的三人组合去参观了年久失修、门可罗雀的布偶剧场。 沃尔特是布偶秀的狂热粉丝,他得知这个剧场很快就会被卑劣的石油商人泰克斯•瑞奇曼(克里斯•库柏饰)拆除。
In particular it is hinted that the decision of the villainous Sansho's son to renounce the world by becoming a monk is an inadequate response to the wickedness the film portrays.
The Scoop: the Pevensie siblings head back to Narnia where they take a dangerous sea voyage with Prince Caspian, fending off a barrage of villainous magical creatures in all forms.
When he is mugged by a former book - borrower, who recognises him, he toys with the idea that his assailant will repent of his villainous intent, in witness to the redeeming power of literature.