That is the perfect Egoist.
John is such an egoist that he only CARES about himself.
I'm too much of an egoist. Women only help me to dream, that's all.
It is better to be temporarily an egoist than never to be just.
Being full of his own concerns, the egoist never gave a thought to others.
You could have made her colour, any day in the year, by calling her a rank egoist.
I'm an egoist and a stubborn person and I'll fight to the end for any chance I can get.
The Remarkable Rocket is a great story about egoism and its impact upon not only those who are dealing with the egoist, but the egoist himself.
Over the past few months, Kanye has intermittently tried to flush away his rep as a boorish egoist in interviews and on Twitter, which is, fortunately, impossible.
The man who can centre his thoughts and hopes upon something transcending self can find a certain peace in the ordinary troubles of life which is impossible to the pure egoist.
Applying the idea of option incentives, this paper derives three different performance-based incentive contract designs that prove effective in constraining the egoist risk-adjustment behavior.
- biochemistn. 生物化学家
- linguisticsn. 语言学
- archaeologistn. 考古学家
- realistadj. 现实主义(者)的
- artistryn. 艺术技巧;艺术性;创造力;艺术表现力;艺术造诣;艺术家风范
- scientistn. 科学家
- sophistn. 诡辩家;诡辩者;(古希腊的)哲学教师;(尤指怀质疑态度的)哲人;智者
- colonistn. 殖民地居民;殖民者;开拓者;殖民地建立者;移民
- touristn. 游客;观光客;旅行者;巡回比赛队的成员;度假者;参观者;<英>(在国外参加)巡回比赛的运动队队员
- protectionistn. 保护贸易论者;贸易保护主义者
- suffragistn. 妇女参政论者;参政权扩大论者;主张扩大选举权者;选举权论者;支持选举权的人
- receptionistn. 接待员;接待人员
- botanistn. 植物学家
- oppositionistn. 反对者;反对派;反对党成员;持反对意见者;反对党人
- idealisticadj. 理想主义的;空想家的;唯心论的;唯心主义的
- psychologistn. 心理学家;心理学研究者;心理研究专家
- lobbyistn. 说客;活动议案通过者
- activistn. 积极分子;激进主义分子
- sexistadj. 性别歧视的
- anatomistn. 解剖学家;剖析者;分析专家
- chauvinisticadj. 沙文主义的;盲目的爱国心的;盲目爱国的
- alarmistn. 危言耸听者;杞人忧天者;散布恐慌的人;惊慌制造者
- stylistn. 发型师;时装设计师;形象设计师;造型师;文体风格的追求者;具有独特风格的艺术家;风格优雅的人;文学作品的风格家
- revisionistn. 修正主义者
- anthropologistn. 人类学家
- physicistn. 物理学家;物理研究者;物理学领域的学者
- journalistn. 新闻记者;新闻工作者;(报纸)撰稿人;通讯员;广播员
- biologistn. 生物学家;生物学者
- apologistn. 辩护者;辩解者;护教论者;辩护士
- novelistn. 小说作者;小说家;长篇小说作家